During my triplets pregnancy I wanted so much to have a 3D scan but didn’t have the chance to do so since the babies decided to pop out early. On Wednesday I went for my 6th month check-up with the gynae. While she was doing the scan, she pointed out that the baby was in good position/angle to have a 3D scan and she asked me if I’m interested to have it. I looked at syauQi and he gave the green light sign. Without hesitation I quickly told the doctor to do so, fearing that my baby would change position. It was an indescribable feeling upon looking at it. Masya-Allah.
After leaving the doctor’s room baru lar nak tepiki, how much I wonder the doctor would charged me for the 3D scan, she gave me on a CD. If I were to have a normal scan, it cost me RM100, which does not include the consultation fees. So I made a guess, thought it would be around RM150. Wow to my surprise (and syauQi’s of cause) it cost us RM200! Oh, wait a minute…am I a being ignorant here? Is that the standard cost or anyone else who knows where I can get a 3D scan at a cheaper rate? But then again, it’s something that worth capturing. Anyway, I think my baby has his/her father’s feature coz she/he has sharp nose. If ikut mOmmy…hidung penyek 😀
Some asking me the gender of the baby..lets keep that as a surprise. Meanwhile I’m searching for a baby’s name which consists of letter “TH”, since both my babies have it, hariTH and aTHirah. So it does not matter whether the “TH” is in the beginning, middle or end of the name. But please no mahaTHir! If it’s a boy, I have one in mind, a name that I wanted to give if my triplets were 2boys and a gal, but a dear friend now uses it for her son’s name. (hello there, if that dear friend is reading this =)). So if I can’t come out with any nicer name…I guess we will have the same name for our son :D…if I’m having a boy that is. So any idea, anyone? Of coz I want a name with a beautiful meaning…

my sis pun ade suggest zarith for boy tapi i takut kang name dekat2 sgt, bile mOmmy panggil either both jawab or both buat dunno coz assuming i’m calling the other.
meaning of zarith ape? yg indah perjalananmu kn?
ops i xtau plak makna dia 😛
teringat nama anak raja mana ya… Tg Zarith Sofea 😀