In my previous post, I mentioned bout how much I look forward for En Suami to come home from work so we could all go out. In most cases we usually ended up in malls. But now cam dah jemu asyik gi malls jer. Thus, lately we do more of outdoor activity. Pegi park pulak. Afterall hArith has started walking and also a good exercise for athirAh who is almost there. Jalan masih tersenget2.
At this park, it was our first time witness athirAh taking more than 3 steps. This park is rather too sophiscated and futuristic, see….ended up teenages yang panjat2. While my lil’ rascals just roam around
And here’s athirAh eyeing at the artificial rock climbing wall…
don’t worry dear, when your time comes…I will definitely bring you for rock climbing!

Here’s hArith enjoying his freedom moving around without any adult saying “No harith, don’t go there!” (yup, he gets this often at home, coz he likes to enter the kitchen and play at the stairs)

and this little boy has no problem sitting in his carrier enjoying the wind

My lil rascals wanted to play this, but there’s this boy who kept on conquering it. Each time he sees us approaching the big swing…he will quickly run and climb on it….arrggghhh. So ended up, I told the boy that my kids want to ride it, but yet he refused to get off it.

tgk athirah mkn daun mcm sedap gilerr..smpi tutup mata lg..thin n crispy eih athirah?hehe..btw baiknyer uzair dok diam2 dlm carrier..rase nk cubit je..bole?
cantiknya park nie. kat mana ekk?
haah kat mana park ni yek?
yup..nice park..time for the kiddos to explore this big world, bestkan tgk perkembangan anak-anak kan?
harith nak jadik geologist kot… i really enjoy reading about your children…
Park ni kat Desa Park City, near bandar manjalara. A nice park i shall say!
tu lar..muka layan giler kn makan daun. Yummy..thin and crispy! hihi
its definitely nice to see their development. especially bile the very first time merangkak and jalan.
salam perkenalan =)
hmm…future geologist 😉
nicela park ni. kat mana ya? i’m thinking to bring hariz at the park too. but u know la kat msia ni park mcm x suitable for babies kan? and kotor lak tuu.
that park look nice and clean.
Queen Bee:
Park ni kat Desa Park City