Oh this is another topic I been wanting to touch. About our zakat. If you were to notice besepah2 ade iklan kat billboard reminding us to tunaikan zakat. But do they really distribute the zakat properly? If they said they do…kenapa masih ade ramai golongan2 yang amat memerlukan. Kat tv3, Bersamamu tu…every week they tunjuk keluarga yang kurang nasib baik. If they go to one particular house, I’m pretty sure, that house punye next door pun plus minus same jer the situation.
Kat billboard tepi jalan tu…siap ade lagi Ayat Quran pasal wajib tunaikan zakat but I really have doubt bout the way they distribute it. Do you all know that in year 2007, kutipan sebanyak RM169,217,193.65 telah diterima (ni tuk kawasan Wilayah Perseketuan jer tau!!!). That’s a lot wooo RM169 JUTA. And guess what?!! Out of those total, agihan yang dibuat sebanyak RM121,224,318.69. So mane pergi remaining of RM 47,992,874.96. Yes, where’s the RM48 JUTA?!!??!?!!?!? Ni baru kawasan Wilayah Perseketuan…blum lagi Selangor and other state. Oh jangan lar nak kate kawasan Wilayah Perseketuan takde orang miskin yer!
And kalau betul lar diorang kate takde orang miskn, takleh ker naik kan quota. For instant if a family get RM500 a month. Kasi lar RM1000 a month instead. Or at least, take care of tthose needy punye children’s education, pakaian sekolah and all. Tak lar bebudak tu feel inferiority complex pakai baju lusuh ke sekolah.
And if masih ade lebih duit tu, kate kan lar golongan fakir means those gaji bawah RM500, tukar lar bench mark tu…say those gaji bawah RM1000 consider fakir. I mean those family yg ade anak2 with income less than RM1k lar. Bukan lar org bujang yg gaji less than RM1k pun kire fakir. I mean there’s so many things need to revamp. If not tetiap tahun duit zakat ade baki. And as far as I am concern duit zakat tu need to be distributed bukan buat investment ke ape yang lebih tu.
If they really say kawasan Wilayah takde org miskin…takleh ke baki duit tu kasi state lain? Aoe guna nye remind org tuk bayar zakat tapi at the end of the day duit tu tak fully distributed. In fact few days before raya dalam newspaper ade orang kate that if he were to buy kuih raya tuk family die, that would means they can’t afford to buy rice for that month!!! Yang kite ni sampai raya haji kuih raya ada lagi kan.
Yang my helper from Kedah tu pun buat kuih raya gune minyak kelapa jer sbb dia kate minyak sapi mahal. Kesian kan, minyak sapi is considered costly for some people.
If you all nak tgk statistic kutipan and agihan zakat, click lar sini yer, page 63 – 64.

tu yg musykil tu…neway me n hubby prefer sedekah/bayar zakat kat rumah anak yatim…
thank god rumah limpahan kasih dekat dgn our home…
i guess better kasik direct kot…
itu yg my husband selalu merungut tu, tatau betul x derang distribute duit zakat tu. kalu kita sedekah direct to rumah anak yatim cemana nak claim rebate income tax aa? hehehe