Few weeks back, we went to watch the 6 Nation Touch Rugby….goshhh it was soooo tempting for me to get down the field. Yes I even brought my boots along just in case I could give it a run. Well, I had a chance but since it was raininig and I didn’t bring any change (and it will be really hard to run with drenched clothes…dah lar stamina mmg dh takde ni lg pulak if lari basah kuyup), so I just sat and watch.
Ni hArith tgh pelik…asal lar bola ni bukan bulat like all other balls he have / seen
Mase tgk diorang main ni mmg kaki dh gatal rase nak join in…
And I’m soo looking forward to get down the field this weekend, but unfortunately I read hubster’s roster wrongly…he left for work last night..so mcm mane nak pegi, takkan nk tinggalkn all 3 at home

wow..u play ragbi ker..? dahsyat..tabik spring (5x)
no wonder u can manage three babies at a time…eheheheh…
hi mommy triplet….owh..i just foung ur blog and become a reader for ur blog…nway…ur amazing mother. at least i can read ur experience on ur pregnancy and be one of ur friend… 😉
Mommy to be : CT
alar bukan tackle rugby…ni touch rugby…takde ganas2 pun
hi there, salam perkenalan =)
ahaqs sexy bummm athirah!