We are back from our Penang trip but unfortunately I dont have the mood to write bout the trip coz i misplaced my camera. A story without photos doesnt sound alive to me…thus i’m lazy to do a post bout the trip….(arrghhhh mana my camera??!?!?!!?!?)
All in all, trip went well (and of coz very tiring!). Main intention of the trip was to pay the children’s greatgrandmother a visit (syauQi’s grandma). Although after 3 years of marriage, this was only my third time balik Penang but I felt very much at home. Al-hamdulillah had no problem mixing around with the in-laws (syauQi’s aunties, uncle, cousins and of coz grandma)
That’s all i have to share bout the trip..till i find my camera (arrghhhhh)