Since the bathroom was rather big and spacious enough for the kids to to roam around, thus we hv to take their bath in the buthtub everyday. If we were to bathe them under the shower, jenuh lar diorang bermaharaja lela bejalan rata2, kang ade yg tegolek jatuh sbb licin. pApa had the idea of trying the bubble bath…oh the kids sure did like it! In fact we had to take the bubble bath from my sis and parents’ bathroom…and on top of that we had to call the housekeeping to request for more bubble bath lliquid since we use it in almost every bath time.
And this lil boy was simply curious of the bubble’s taste….

oh wow, yum yum…taste good!

Oh, the villa gave complimentary cake to all rooms on the 14th, Valentine Day. Althought we don’t celebrate it but i took the opportunity to ask for free stuff…hihi
I asked the lady that send us the cake if it’s possible to get flower petal for the bathtub since it’s Valentine, and she said it’s possible…i just have to ring the reception. Thus, i called the reception and asked “hari ini Valentine, kok bisa diberi flower petal nye gratis?” (it’s valentine today, could it be possible for me to get free flower petal?) Ye yang penting perkataan gratis tu yer…takut lak kang sedar2 dlm bil diorang charge.
the cake
So who enjoyed the flower bath the most? Of coz the kids =)

hah, ini yg baru betol mandi bunga…
hye. salam kenal. your kids sure did have fun. i tgk pun mcm teringin nk join sama. π
tomeinyerrrrrr….semuanya tomeiiiiii….
hehehee.I though u request the gratis flower petal for both u and husband..hihihi..sekali ur lil one da setelkan dulu.:-)
sangat cute the three of them. π
π your kids look so cute in the bath looks like they really enjoy the flower bath…
diorang semua sooooo cute.. anakΒ² je ke yg mandi bunga? mama nya? hiks..hiks..
indah nya dapat mandi dalam buih cam tew tambah plaks ngan rose petal …..nikmat nyaaaaaaaaaaaa
ur pictures look ‘real’.
i pn nak kawen n ada anak jugaklah. besh tgk ur twins and lil bro dorg. π
nih mmg purely mandi bunga nih….
harith, athirah & uzair..mcm mana taste bubbles tuh? yummy?
so sweettttttttttt
wahhhhhhhhh kecik2 sudah mandi bunga .. i loike bubbles .. & roses … nk join blehhhh π
munirah, gambar2 u dlm blog skang sume cantik2. so photomama tu really improve u yek…..
gratis tu rasanya free in english ek??
-mama emma-
awwww more gorgeous photos π