Speaking of Butterfly Park, I remembered a story once told by my lecturer about her nephew (bout 4 years old):
While his mom was cooking in the kitchen…this boy confidently open the fridge and took the butter out. He then dengan selambanye tanpa rase bersalah threw the butter out of the window
Mother: Abang! Why did u throw the butter out?!?!?!?!??!
Abang: (calmly he replied) I want to see the butterfly
Mother: (Speechless)
p/s: oh, i miss my lecturer Prof Dr Hariyati Shahrima

Haha… smart boy.
haha..cute jer dat story.dat boy mesti ada imaginasi yg tinggi : )
baca sekali i duk tak paham lagi. baca kali kedua baru i tergelak..