Yesterday brought all 3 to Lake Garden for photoclinic by ThePhotoMama. (yup, who said it’s juz online tutorial…we do hv physical lesson from time to time). Unfortunately on Friday syauQi was called up for a flight coz he was on standby. It sure was a struggle to bring all 3. Lucky thing I had extra help frm my sis and SIL. However having ratio one kid to one adult makes it difficult to take photos. The moment we let hArith n athirAh off the stroller, they were everywhere. Mmg tak dpt nk snap gmbar sbb kena monitor takut ade yg jatuh tegolek from the playground. athirAh was very close to jatuh tegolek.
I let uZAir roam around on the grass. At first he was okay with it…curious with the new texture. Pastu dh boring, mula lah nangis minta diangkat. Sedihnye, not much of beautiful shots were taken…again reason being sbb tak cukup tangan. Gambar2 kat bawah ni hanya sekadar mewarna warni kn post kali ini…
Taking hArith and athirAh’s photo were almost impossible. The were running around constantly. Then finally athirAh stood still sbb dapat bubble cum wisel from another boy. Excited dpt tiup wisel…
**updated: only one coupon left

munirah actually 2days ago i dh try subscribe..but they direct me to the paypal acc. registration.i xbrape faham that means yg the payment have been made atau lps i confirm yg paypal acc tu baru i akan consider as premium member for TPM ke cemana ye? coz bile i try nak access to tutoril mmg xdpt lagi. any komen? thanks 🙂
Mrs MD,
hi dear, would like to know u intend to join as a premium member (subscribe to which u will be entitle to watch the online tutorial n forum at a minimal cost of rm280) ke u nk jadi normal member jer (in which u can participate dlm forum without access to the online tutorial?)
from my blog u can click on the TPM website logo, then from there u click kat atas tu “signup now!”
payment can be made via maybank account
anything u can ym me at n i can try to help u from there.
i have one more coupon for u to be entitled for rm230 instead of rm280
come join the fun in taking great beautiful photos =)
Munirah, coupon rm230 tu ada lg tak? If I nak sempat lg tak? Baru baca la ur blog.
u masih berminat ker dear? if u do email me ( and i’ll try to ask thephotomama admin for you