Today, the weekly gardener came in the morning. hArith as usual luv to see the gardener at work. but it was too hot to let him out. So he was only able to see tru the window. And the moment we let him out this evening…he wanted to do just like what the gardener did.
So arini pokok2 sume mmg kenyang nak mampus, hihih
ade gaya kan hArith siram pokok
even, celah2 sume die siram…mmg teliti buat keja
athirAh as usual…just not bothered, hihi
ha, pokok ni paling kenyang skali..water smpai over flow hArith buat

salam.. They r super cute kids.its best to see how u allow them to xplore 🙂
waaa bestnye umah awak…ijauuuuuu jekkkk…best kan boleh biar anak2 explore camni..
Can I hire Harith to be my weekly gardener plak? sure sugar bugar sumer pokok…hihi
yup…let them xplore =)
bleh nk hire tp pastu sure bil air naik punye sbb mmg tak reti nk stop once dah start, hihi
yes let them explore tapi kekadang tu kami tak tahan nak layan..
wahhh!!! activity yang beshh!!! nak tiru tapi takde lamannnnn…tak besh!!
haha.. mmg teroverdose la pokok2 kt umah u tu.. hehe.. sgt rajin la harith ni..
hahhahah mmg beruntung pokok pokok tew semer
auuuw athirah seksi nyaaaaaaaa sebelah terlondeh ekekkekekek . Bagus la munirah u kasik kebebasan pada dia org to explore ..bagus
haha.. rajinnya harith! dia x minat la pulak berendam dengan athirah! 🙂
Wohoho…. so cute!
yeah 2 bdk twin ni mmg super cute.. esp Athirah.. she remind me to arwah my dotter, airin yasmin..
and i suka n kagum tgok cara u raise all yr kids n letting them explore things…
salam kenal…
U are blessed with cute children..
like your blog…hope to read more from u ..
can we change link …
alaalaaa..comeinye dorang ni..masa ni adiknye takde join lak yer..