Here’s a lil update:
When for my first session of physiothrerapy yesterday but leg felt worse after the session.
Father-in-law suggested to go to HKL since they have more specialist off we went today.
From the x-ray, my bone seems to be thicker than usual. Attention need to be given on it.
But a particular specialist in charge of it was handling student’s exam, thus i’m scheduled to come again on Monday.
Oh, and i’m blessed with loves one around me. Alhamdulillah. Hubby is working today, hence parents-in-law brought me to the hospital while my parents help took care of my 3 lil’ rascals. It’s just impossible for my maid to take care of all three. So my parents gave the extra hands needed.

kesiannya.. take good care of urself ya!
oh moga cepat baik..
ai munirah …harap cepat sembuh ya …
and take care
siannye wifey aku… makan ubat yer..take care
get well soon dear!
hi there..yup HKL does have the best specialist in the country… my dad was diagnosed with a giant cell tumor in his knee and the specialist in Pantai referred him back to HKL since there’s only 3 orthopedic surgeons who specialized in bone tumor in Malaysia.. 1 in HKL, 1 in HUSM and 1 in Penang.. cuma you must have the patience la kan…