Wow, my elder two turns 23 months young today. Meaning, in just a month time they will be 2 years!!! Gosh, that is soooo amazing. Well, last year we were so hAppy that they turn 1 as they survived they crucial stage of being premie. The biggest milestone of turning one was they started crawling…on their birthday!
And this time around, al-hamdulillah Allah gave them another year to live. And now, they are hAppily walking, runnning and jumping (and of coz falling off too!hihi). We are happy to see them catching up well with their chronological age. Based on their corrected age (actual due date, they are supposed to be 20 months now). Alhamdulillah, they are coping well like any other 23 months old baby instead of 20 months old.
So next month they are turning two. However just like expected the finance minister (the father) would reject any proposal of having a birthday party with reason they are too small to understand. Hmm, but then again, they may be too small to understand the fun they had main air tempayan kat kampung kan but bottom line was THEY DID HAVE FUN. So doesnt it apply the same to birthday celabration. They may be young to understand it but never too young to know what FUN is, isnt it?
From my point of view, birthday celebration is not so much of celabrating that they turn 2 that partically day..but more of the one year that we went through in order for them to turn 2. The fact that we survived another year together without any major incidents (well, that is if we dont consider athirah terjun pool, eye lid berdarah langgar bucu mase jatuh tegolek katil as major accident lah). The fact that I survived with the kids when pApa is not around. The fact that we survived couple of months raising all 3 kids without maid – especially when pApa is away(the period of in between maids). And of coz to also acknowledge all our (yes, syauQi’s n mine) sleepless night. Don’t all the above deserve a celebration? hihi *hint*hint* (sempat lagi tu)
Oh afterall June is a month full of history and on the other hand…in 2 months time uZAir will turn 1 year young!
Hmm,even without a party would there be anyone out there wanna fullfill the elder two birthday wishlist? or should i rephase it as mommy’s wishlist for the elder two? hihi

ohh betul la ur anni same as mine.
ohhh i rasa the kiddos knew they had fun sebab muka masing2 tergelak2 ketawa…org yg tgk gambo ni pun gembira jek tgk
its all bout the fun kan munirah. en syauqi, kami pun nak tumpang in the fun jugak hehehe :):) lets partyy!!