Would u believe that this small piece of cloth can be used in all these different ways
as a skirt…

or top AND skirt, like this
or this…

or just the top like this…

or this…
or this…

the backview…

and best of all…for nursing mom, u would luv this!!!
You can wear it like this…

or wear it as a poncho

to feed ur lil one =)
See, feeding ur lil one in public is no longer a problem! =)

cool kan,
ooh i love paisley! got it from europe?
wah…ape benda tu k.nem??mcm best jer….brape??
will launch it soon =)
how much?
wowo, best ni Mun! canggeh!!!
keep on visiting the blog as i will launch it soon.
Mommy Lyna:
tp cam dh telambat nk join the contest..hihi
yes! yes! yes! i’m interested!
cantekkknyeee!!!!!! i suka gileeee poncho ni…kat mane u beli???
thats so niceeee!!!
btw, meh le singgah blog saya, masuk contest
adakah model2 itu tuan empunya blog? so stylo .. =)
selama i BF baby2 i 6 thn lebih ni , xpenah lg ade nursing wear khas utk BF .. huhuu
care to vote for me ?hehe ..
salam kenalan ..
i’m #9 ..
munirah..u nk buat guna material apa eh?
fabric bamboo ada tak? i suke lembut2
Ummi Hannie:
last 2 pics je tuan empunye blog…gmbar yg lain tu model yg dirahsiakn identetinye..hihi
mrs imran:
kain bamboo tu mcm mane ek?
kak nem, adakah model itu si gedik hanah? hehehe..
darl,where can i get the scarf? i can use it during breastfeeding rayhan.. cantik.. x mcm yg jual kat mothercare,hitam n x cantik.
wahh rayhan breastfeed lagi ek? cool!
soon u can get the multiwear here…yes here as in my blog, hihi
im in the process hunting for nice materials to do it