Oh sorry peeps for the hiatus. Was pretty much occupied trying to settle my dot com. (hah, padahal sume mrs imran tlg buatkn, my part cume choose my own template yg smpai skrang rambang lagi berpinau biji mata nk pilih..hihi)
So where do i start now? Should i start from where I stop or start from the latest (Fathers’ Day) and back track?
Err, i think i should start off with the FAthers’ Day celebration…and i shall warn u guys…its a pretty loooonnnggg story. Banyak giler hokey dugaan tuk buat suprise party ni.
Well, Fathers’ Day preparation started off somewhere last week when Jua YM me asking if I was interested to join her together with Lana to do a surprise for the Daddies. I immediately jump into the wagon since at that particular time I had no other plan yet.
So “lied” to En Suami saying that we need to go for a friend’s house warming. And to make it less suspicious, I decided to have Fathers’ Day celebration earlier by one day since my dad wont be around on the 21st. So off we went for lunch on the 20th. And at night we also bought a cake.
Oh before that, on the morning of the 20th…hArith made breakfast for pApa. Yes, hArith was the chef in the kitchen!!! (this was also part of the plan to make it less suspicious bout the party) The idea was to have it celebrated on the 20th so he would have thought that’s the end of Fathers’ Day for him.
*will make a different post of hArith the chef
And after lunch with the family…i had a baby shower to attend. Brought along all the little rascal (will also do a post of this baby shower in another entry)
So on the 21st… I had trouble printing tshirt for the kids. My printer was giving me a hard time since the day before..rase nk hempok je printer and throw it outside the window!! Here’s the thing. We have 2 printers in the house..satu the one that comes with fax machine., officejet That printer can do mirror image setting (I need mirror image for me to do iron on tshirt) BUT that printer cant take the iron on paper…it would get stuck, I guess the paper is too thick. And the other printer is the HP photosmart. It has no problem with the iron on paper BUT it does not have mirror image setting. Or maybe it has, just that im being ignorant. Each time I click on the mirror image setting….it ended up going back to the default setting. Went to few places to get it done but failed in all attempt. Arggghh. I’m supposed to get it done by mahgrib but there I was screaming at my printer at about 4pm. Oh not to mentioned making syauQi annoyed coz I have been disappearing, leaving the kids disturbing him sleeping.
Menggeleupur okay..that’s the only thing im assigned for the surprise party, so it would be ashame if I didnt get it done. Panic Panic!
And suddenly, out of nowhere..a solution pops out from my head… (it took me quite sometime to figure out a solution using the 2 printer I have…y lar i didnt think of it much earlier). And this was what I did. Print it on a normal paper using the printer 1 (has mirror image setting but couldnt take the iron on paper). So with the mirror image picture on the normal paper…i use it to photocopy it using the printer 2 (could take the iron on paper but no mirror image setting). Yup, the printer 2 has the flat top photocopy like features. Lega hokay when I managed to get it done. Rush to get the image iron on the tshirt…and suddenly syauQi came to the ironing area asking what was I doing…alamak, kantoi. Damn!
Nway..here’s the design on the tshirt…5 different design. Luvly made by Jua. (this was another reason I would feel terrible bad if I didnt get the tshirt done…after all the effort by Jua)
As for the decoration, we get the kids to do the “ I luv DAD”.
Faris was assigned to do “I”
and my kids did a letter each for D.A.D
told him lets enter the (jua’s) house…
“nope..no house warming..the food is for here” I replied. I brought spaghetti in which I told him the housewarming was a pot luck. (fuh…dah brapa byk tipu siut)
We spend the rest of the nite eating and also had a flash card session…demo by Jua.
And of coz a photo session with the 3 fathers and the kids.
A Big Thank You to Tuan Rumah and Lana. Ampun ya…anak2 saya lah yg paling byk buat sepah tapi kami angkat buntut pulang paling awal…sbb kids dh grumpy ngantuk.
Thanks for everything…yes everything. Working pagi petang siang malam for all of us. For being a great father to my kids. Providing everything for us, waking up at nights to deal with hArith and athirAh, bringing us here and there, each n everyday that you are home with us..and the list goes on. A very big THANK YOU. We LOVE you!
Also a BIG THANK YOU to you…it is just impossible to list down the things bapak does for me, coz it is almost everything. Tak caye? Even my undies and bra pun my bapak belikn tau. Hah..sukehati lar korang nk kate I tak malu..but i’m pretty much proud of it coz I think no other father does that for the daughter 😉

hi dear, nk tny ka mana nk beli iron on papers tu?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 27th, 2011 at 6:34 pm
i beli kat jusco bahagian atas yg jual printer sume tu