Few months back, i goggle up for “triplets” and came across a blog with their babies’ wearing tutu. I felt in luv with it immediately…seeing how beautiful the gals are. Of coz deep inside, i wonder how athirAh will look like wearing a tutu…
she’s my only gal…but she sure behave just like my other two boys, she enjoys getting dirty.
here’s athirAh busy in her sandpit…
she’s also adventurous…who luvs getting her dose of adrenaline rush every now n then…
She’s even stronger than some boys…see, she has no problem doing cliff hanging
And you will find her everywhere, even in bushes…
But of coz, every mom dream to see her girl looking very dainty and pretty…
So i even tried giving her “Mandi Bunga”…hihi

And dresses her up as dainty and girly as possible, so when i saw this outfit…i quickly bought it without any hesitation
Yup, a fluffy one just like this…
And i was even more happier to know, by wearing this kind of tutu…even letting her outdoor in the park…she would still look girly, just like this baby below
pics [via]
I did asked around where can i get those tutu…and wow, wasn’t i happy to know that MySuperkids colloborate with TutuWorkshop organising a contest for a tutu giveaway
I SOOOOO WANT IT FOR MY GAL!!!! coz she can still be herself, being where she is comfortable the most…out in the nature, but yet looking very girly just like the above picture
My girl just turn 2 years young..it would be a perfect gift for her….to see her being a girly girl..hihi
My one and only gal…
It would be luvly to see our girl in a tutu…to reveal the true feminine side of her =)
So im really crossing my fingers to win the tutu. And hopefully seeing her in tutu will make her father’s heart melt and chang his mind…to have a birthday party for her so she could dance around in her luvly tutu =)
“Dear juries, please pick me as the winner…help my parents turn me into a luvly princess, please pretty please”
-oh im sure not just me wanna see athirAh wearing tutu…other readers pun nk tgk kn kn =). lgpun nanti dh besar takleh nk sexy2 macam ni..so time camni better use the oppotunity. n for those who wish to join this contest..do check out here:

Excellent piccas..
pick her as a winner!!
good luck! alahai cute nya.. 🙂
afundi Athirah! hehe..awk cute sgt la Athirah, really melt my heart ^_~
can we help by voting or something?
Munirah Reply:
June 25th, 2009 at 8:03 am
hmm..im not too sure bout that. maybe u can go to mysuperkids.net n leave a comment voting for athirAh at the tutu contest post =)
thanks for the thought!