Sempena the elder 2 turn 2 years old, we decided to have a family photo shot. Am now planning to do it a yearly event =)
So this time around, we did our family photo at the white studio….enjoy the photos
(byk gak gmbar i upload..sila lah tgk smpai muak…hihi)
Ni pulak, gmbar the grandparents together2 =)
haa..mesti ade yg tertanya kn where i took this photo?
Took the photos at Wow Photo Studio, by Hafiz Ismail…, ha now mesti ade yg nk book slot time kn, kn? cek out his schedule here for available slots =)
Psstt..the best part is, Wow Photo Studio is now having Jun Promo…cepat2, go book ur slot
Oh and u can also see his blog about this photo session of ours =)
p/s: sape nk tgk kejadian blakang tabir, ade 3 budak..maka perlu lah 3 org terpekik2 memanggil the kids…I think the next time we take another family photo shot we need to bring ear plug for the photographer…hihi

ouh..speechless..superb n awesome photos!!! best sgt tgk u guyz ngn 3 kids..meriah jer nmpk..btw, yr twins sebaya ngn my Eiymann lar.. he was born on 12 April 2007.. yours?? tk care..
so sweet. seronok tgk ur happy family.
psss…serously, u xnampak macam ibu anak 3.
hey saw these pics on facebook! ahhaa..what a fresh alternative from the usual "gambar studio" yg boring and skema..hehe…love them!! nak juga! (semua pun nak) ;p
cantek gile sume pic!!!
lawaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…. i suka gambar u & hubi… u all nie fotogenik la…
-mama emma-
all d photos are very sweet!!! suka betul la tgk budak2 3 org ni masing2 dgn character masing2. nway happy belated bday to athirah n harith. asyik khusyuk tgk gmbr n lupa nk wish bday ritu hehe 😀
waw….happynye tgk all those pics..heheh…ske tgk senyuman di wajah2 yg bahagia..hehehe ^_^ BRAVO!
wahhh..menarik nyer..
cantik and ceria jer sume pics tu..
"one big happy family"
Wahh.. cantik cantik.. nak buat jugak..
lawa sangat photos.. anak2 pulak sedodon.. hijau n blue.. uzair cute!
oh ya, betul cakap mama emma, org tak kan percaya u ada anak 3.. haha.. macam anak dara! 🙂
nice photo la.. suka tgk..
dear, jelesnya tgk u yg slim melim even tho anak dah 4!
awesome white room shots!
Happy 2nd birthday to the twins of triplets, and did i wish u2 happy anniv? Well, happy anniversary! 🙂
dear…lepas tak if ngaku diri anak dara? hahaha
tat's exactly y i opt for white studio. can go wild n crazy instead of formal n skema =)
give it a try!
my elder two just turn 2 years old few days back, on the 9th june
pics shantek ke model2 die yg shantek..hihi
precious innocent:
fotogenik? wahh first dpt remark sebegitu…*blush*blush*
yup2, very tru…all 3 different character. n thanks for the bday wish =)
mrs azmar: "one big happy family"…oh takleh ckp "big" kang terasa syauqi…hahahha…taklah kidding jer
blk m'sia nanti go give it a try! u will not regret it
wahh…betul ek, bleh lepas ek anak dara?? (mula lar nk perasan ni..hahah)
slim? oh jgn tertipu yer…ade jer lemak2 keliling pinggang…hahah
mama shmontel:
thanks for the wishes dear =)
superbbb & so sweeeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttttttt
Bole x i tau brape berat harith & athirah skrang ek??
actually i'm a mother of rs cam my twins mcm kecik jer…
maybe we can chit chat on ym…(
take care.. 🙂
Munirah Reply:
June 25th, 2009 at 8:06 am
athirAh is almost 11kg and hArith is 12kg
cuns sesangat..dgn kids, n the colour combination makes the pics look marvelous!
i bila tgk pic u dgn ur hubby, i ter'ckp' "besarnya hubby dia..". Sorry beb, itu adalah ungkapan yang tidak disengajakan…ehehhe..
Munirah Reply:
June 25th, 2009 at 8:05 am
yer, mmg die besar…hihi
gerqm tgk…btw i rasa shauqi yg besar kott… 😛
Munirah Reply:
June 25th, 2009 at 8:02 am
gambar semua cantek2 la dek..suka je tengok..ur youngest pun dah pandai posing mosing dah eh 😀
Munirah Reply:
June 25th, 2009 at 7:53 am
mane taknye…everyday mak die dok pegang camera..hahaha