Alhamdulillah – TRIPLETS plus ONE


July 12, 2009

Oh wow, it’s so good to be home!

It’s so good to wake up to hArith’s laughter!

And it makes me smile seeing hArith and uZAir happily laughing together.

Alhamdulillah we are all home and reunite =)

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  1. yeah… its gud to hear that all of u recovered frm d swine flu,alhamdullillah… harith never alone anymore. mcm mana reaction dia bila nmpak u all?


  2. wahh besnye dah balik.alhamdulillah…takyah samak2 laa..ehh nak wat besday party keee??hahahah

    silala u update blog selalu with the pics of ur kids…


  3. Dear mun and shauqi…glad to hear that all of you are better especially your kids…sorry…i just read your entry…anyway alhamdulillah everybody have come out of HKL.


  4. Alhamdulillah, great to hear all of you are out of the hospital already. U guys tak payah samak sebab najib cakap dia nak samak satu malaysia sempena 100 hari dia hehehe.


    Munirah Reply:

    hahaha =D


  5. ya allah munirah… i totally missed out on what had happened to your family. I’m down with flu and nasty coughs. So are the kids… Lama tak bukak blog. I hope everyone has recovered!!! keshian the two munchkins kena duduk hospital, they sure missed the hero brother at home ek??? selamat sihat ye..kalian sekeluarga..!


    Munirah Reply:

    hi there!
    alhamdulillah we are all up and about. infact the 2nd day at hosp we were all doing fine its just tat procedure thingy requires us to stay for 5 days. seriously i think they are mkaing a big issue out of it. it is just like any other flu after makan ubat trus segar bugar kami anak beranak.
    i was telling my frens if stay lame lagi kt hosp bukan setakat selsema babi..kami kena sawan babi kot sbb dh biul within the 4 walls….hahah
    nway, hope u n ur lil ones are over with the flu n cough


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