Oh please, dont get bored yet, i have few more things to mentioned about the party the other day.
Of coz i was happy to meet up with the other bloggers for the first time. And happy that we get along well.
But we were all very happy to meet this lil gal, Husna Athirah. Wanna know why? Coz she was “wardmate” of hArith and athirAh. Well, is there such word, wardmate? She was also born premature at 26 weekeer, but few weeks earlier than my twins. So her mom was my inspiration. We meet up almost everyday during our visits to see our children. And since Husna was born few weeks earlier, so her mom went through most of the thing before i had to. For example, the eye laser. I was so afraid when my kids need to go through the eye laser for the ROP, but since Husna went through hers earlier…her mom comfort me and shared with me all the info she had. It was really comforting.
And we never met ever since our children got discharged from the hospital. Oh we were so happy to see her at the party, big and healthy =)
A picture of all three premature, born less than 1kg and now big and healthy, al-hamdulillah
And to those who came early…u might notice this from my neighbour’s house
Please, dont get the wrong picture…im not a cruel neighbour who didn’t invite them and left them all three looking out of window eyeing on the party.
They were of coz invited! but their parents had guests in the house. So they had to wait for their parents to come over. And yes, they did come over and had lotsa fun too!
Saya bukan jiran yg kejam dan tak berhati perut tau!
my sis-in-law gave a gift of customize choc…it looks soo cute smpai tak smpai hati to eat it.
After party was over, we realised we didnt do two things:
1. took out the disposable bib and placed it at the kiddies’ zone
2. We completely forgotten about this!!! (although constant reminder from syauQi and me about it…aiyooo)
oh, imagine how much fun it would be if we had this giant ball!

salam kenal..
memang best!!
1. u planed n worked d party all out (best giler xtvt tu sume..)
2. d house is sooo roomy, u can take out lots of gadgets to entertain lil guests
3. blh jmp geng blogger.
4. d kids jmp kawan2.. mcm play date
5. all part just best!
yg paling lawak ur neighbour tu laa..pastu u pegi ckp diorg kene grounded..hahaha..
lepas dah lepas tu semua terus menyerbu hehehe. ye la sapa tak excited kan.i pun excited lgi kan bebudakk
Munirah Reply:
July 22nd, 2009 at 1:41 pm
sbb b4 this mmg diorang kena grounded 2 bulan. yes 2 bulan babe kena grounded. kalah budak teenager kn, kecik2 dh kena grounded 2 bulan…
so sbb lately dlm blog i takde muka diorang…sbb dh 2 bulan diorang tak berkunjung ke umah i
eh somehow i rasa u ada talent buat event planner la..from food to decor to activity…u ada ideas and very good at planning it..dah la last minute pastu party giler heaven, org yg plan beria2 months before the event pun belum tentu dpt buat party best..
Munirah Reply:
July 22nd, 2009 at 1:44 pm
organize tuk diri sendiri bleh lah..tuk org lain i takut. ye lah customer byk ragam…kn customer always right, pening kepala i kang.
tp deco2 tu kn sume i beli belakang syauQi, yg die tau sedar2 sume dh tergantung…sbb mase nk mintaq approval i ckp nk buat sempoi2 jer..so takleh lah die tau ade deco2 tu sume. yg bunting “the party’s here” tu die tau sbb i mintaq tlg die gantung…ingatkn nk diam2 jer..sbb die bukan kuar rumah, die takkan tau…tgk2 i perlu bantuan die tuk gantung kn
meriahnya majlis!!
hehe bestnya..i love the planning part..for my son’s 1st bday and hubby’s 29th pun i did the planning all by myself coz it was supposed to be a surprise, but it was a small, closed party lah so i guess it wasn’t as hard to plan as yours. 😀
kudos to you munirah,you’re a supermomma!
Munirah Reply:
July 22nd, 2009 at 7:29 pm
i dah baca ur entry. mmg payah nk buat suprise kn…
i did one for En suami last year…buat kt rumah jer sbb impossible to bring all 3 out.
and of coz the difficult part was preparing everything while En Suami was actually in the hse..http://www.tripletsplusone.com/?p=180
uhuk..sedey sgt tak dpt join!! i tgk gamba2 kat blog lain party ni sgt happening!!
sampai umah dr kenduri pon dah kol 6 ari tu 🙁
bestnyer….nak join jd budak gak la…
wah.. bestnya dapat jumpa wardmate HArith n Athirah! sure Husna pun lebih kurang sebaya, kan..? 🙂
yup, choc itu sangat yummy! sayang nak makan…
the party superb! walaupun last minute tapi everything perfect.
Munirah Reply:
July 22nd, 2009 at 4:18 pm
alhamdulillah everything went well, especially the weather.
oh i suke tgk ur son makan!!! he was soo into the food =)
beautiful and adorable kids you have there,the party looks great too:)
wah… tgk gambar je mmg dah terasa best..
last min plan tp nampak macam dah lama plan je.. sangat meriah okeh!
rugi kan lambat bagi komen dan jadi silent reader.. hehe..
pinggan mangkuk budak2 tu mmg u punya ke sewa?byk betul.. kek tempah kat mana?cute sgt!
happy belated birthday utk harith,athirah dan uzair!
Munirah Reply:
July 22nd, 2009 at 5:44 pm
tu pinggan mangkuk ikea. at first nk gune paper plates tapi for kids cam tak stabil sgt makan dgn paper plates..sbb kn paper tu lembik tak hold up the food sgt…ended up “investing” the ikea pinggan mangkuk, and sudu garpu
ha pasni, bersuara lah…hihi. nway ur anak how old sbb ur entry macam biskut kn, kejap jer ade…i tak dpt nk baca yg sblum2 punye
and cake tempah kat 5577studio.com
U buat 3 entry pasal birthday party pun i tak jemu2 baca, cepat post yg ke empat plak…. 🙂
Munirah Reply:
July 22nd, 2009 at 6:22 pm
hihi, nk tunggu another set of photos from my fren. kot2 bleh karang citer lain pulak from her photos
Munirah, sorry to bother u with my question again, mana u beli ride kaler biru tu? Puas i carik merata tak jumpa… I nk beli 1 utk faiq..
Munirah Reply:
July 23rd, 2009 at 5:34 am
timmy, i still owe u one entry pasal stroller kn. nanti ek i buat sbb tak teramiq lagi gmbar bout the stroller.
ride biru yg mane? yg i said bapak haiQail naik tue ker? u can get it at One Utama…ade kedai kecik jual camlayang2 and all at new wing. near kedai gmbar Foto Shangrila
eh munirah, apasal u tk invite i? i kecik hati tau..hahahaaha
newayyyyyyyyy…i know my ichiro is only errrr berapa hari dah eh dia lahir..oh ok….baru about okk cincai laaa 20 something days old and anak2 u dah otai..
but still u kene invite i ok…dun worry pasal ichiro being small compare to ur kids so nnt takut terpijak ker apa ker..sbb bukan ichiro nk main..tapi ha ni mak dia yg nk mainnnn…heheh
Munirah Reply:
July 23rd, 2009 at 5:37 am
ha….org dalam pantang buat cara macam dlm pantang ek…dok umah diam diam…hihi
hi..lama tak drop a line since u moved from blogspot. lupa nak update ur new url.
lookes like u guys had fun 🙂
ingatkan u said previously u weren’t gonna have a party, but that’s wonderful that had one for the twins. sure diorg ingat.
ohh yeahh.. i did ask u about the stroller thingy… banyak jugak soalan i ni… i know that shop… ok.. will hunt for that ride at 1u… thanks munirah…
yeah munirah we’re gonna hunt for that ride too. kasi bapaknye happy pulak hehehe. OU new wing, kedai layang2 near foto shangrila right? which floor u remember? tq in advance.
Munirah Reply:
July 24th, 2009 at 8:01 pm
2nd floor if not mistaken
i tahu dari ikea tp bila nampak byk2 tu mcm pelik ..tertanya sewa ke mmg beli khas utk party.. hihi.. x pe, next party boleh guna lagi.. x pun, org nak buat party boleh sewa..:)
mmg entry mcm biskut skrg.. sbb tgh sibuk nak pindah rumah.berkejar2 bangi ke shah alam- cuci rumah,angkat barang, keje2 kontraktor bla..bla.. aik, x pasti pula kenapa x leh buka yg lama..rasanya ok je..anak i 2- 5thn dan 1thn 7bln.. nnt dah pindah, buat house warming- insyaAllah i ajak u k
Munirah Reply:
July 24th, 2009 at 8:04 pm
ha, sbb plates dah ade byk ade lar reason to have more party kn…hihi