Gosh it’s driving us nuts being stuck within the four walls. cant wait to be discharged tomorrow insyaAllah. athirAh is running out of idea to create new activity to do. She was playing in the closet just now. Then she also used her imagination to turn the hospital bed into a playground slide. pApa had the bed incline, and she was sliding down although it was merely a slope. And during bathing time she became even more creative, got herself in the pail and seated nicely it in. An extremely mini pool i guess. She also tried putting her shoes on by herslef hoping that we get the hint “JOM BALIK”.
I read the newspaper today and it says now they will no longer admit those with H1N1 unless they fall under serious category (i.e with other health complication like heart problem…pregnant lady, and children) other than that they will just prescribe medication and remain at home. Yes, that’s difinitely better than being stuck here. With the medication, i dont think there’s much to be worried. Even for us, after taking the medication..the next day we are back to our usual self.
So korang jgn lar takut sgt bile dgr pasal babi punye selsema ni. Mende ni bleh cure (insyaAllah)…you can rely on the medication. Even the doctor said, it is just like any other flu. Now government dh takleh nk contain coz it is spreading…so they will giv u ubat and dok lah kat rumah, takyah stay kt hosp. Tak caya bacalah front page New Straits Time arini. My fren semalam masuk hosp sg buloh sbb positive gak, arini dh bleh balik. Doctor kasi ubat suruh balik, in fact doctor kate takyah quarantine pun, pakai mask pun tak perlu. Kawan tu pun dah segar bugar.
Korang jgn lar takut nk jumpe kami yer. Memang lah kami kena selsema babi..tapi takkan hina sgt kami ni smpai korang takut nk jumpe kami. Ke korang nk kami samak badan kami dulu. Kalau smpai macam tu skali baru korang nk jumpe kami..kami sanggup samak badan kami.
Kami plan nk buat b’day party…tapi takut lak korang tak sudi datang. Ade ker yg sudi datang?
p/s: korang update lar blog korang…saya dah kurang bahan bacaan ni…

i baru bole tinggal komen ni hari… maklumla baca ikut hp kan, dia mmg wengggggg! tak bole bukak kotak komen!
this weekend if huby tak busy nk ajak pegi jenguk u ols. tp tau je my huby busy je manjang hehehehe.
anyway, selamat berguling2 di rumah!
ya allah sedihnya baca luahan munirah…hahhahha memang khinzir betullah !
la eh munirah, berkampung kat hospital rupanya.. hopefully everything will be fine and you all boleh keluar from the 4 walls spaces soon (i know the feeling duduk dlm wad so many days – tension mak)…
anyway, later kita exchange link la ye, i will add yours to mine ok
kesian…. kalau me tkurung sana pun blh sangap! lebih baik kena anta kat lost world ke jurassic park ke… blh gak tgk animals… kat hospital nak tgk apa?
selsema babi je..bukan tersentuh babi kan..x perlu samak2 le..everybody will understand..
Nway have a great party!!
amboi..xkan laa kene selsema babi sampai kene samak..hahaha
get well soon okeh..sian kat harith duk kat umah sorang2..msti die boring abis dh..
isy.. sampai mcm tu sekali … ada pulak nak kena samak2 ni..
semua pun faham kan.. kalau x faham,sempit la fikiran org tu..
take care..
i dh cucuk vaksin for swine flu n so far i dh 2x kena bertugas kt pusat kuarantin, kkm kt klia… rasanya we already did our best for this case… tp ramai jer yg naik kapal terbang…. abis2 camno???
Munirah Reply:
July 12th, 2009 at 8:22 am
jai, sbb mu kwan i so bleh lar i selamba nk bangkang kate2 mu tu yer…
sbb soki dok ulang alik klia mmg die kate takde jaga pun..if hari yg jaga tu …beria jaga if hari yg tak jaga tu…ribu riban lar org kuar masuk kapal tak cek. mmg tak consistent. so hari2 yg u all tak jaga lar yg macam2 bleh jadi. my mom balik dr US aritu tu pun mmg takde cek ape ape. if ade pun setakat suruh isi borong. sape lah yg nk ngaku diri tak sihat pastu kena tesadai kt klia tu..sure lah org2 yg kena isi borong tu kate takde masalah. suhu badan pun tak amiq…ha ape lagi i nk bebel ek. i tepon mu je lah bebel. ha…cepat angkat phone i nk kol mu ni! hahhahha, ha ade bran? =P
ish takde la sampai org sume tanak dekat kot! hehe! member i pon kene sorg sbb die slalu travel ke spore.tp dah ok dah skrg. 😉
Munirah Reply:
July 12th, 2009 at 8:24 am
mane lah tau sume org jadi paranoid takut nk dekat ngan kami..hihi
hi babe…tak perlu lah samak2…sume org paham bout ni…dont worry key…
ala, jangan la sedih2… hang keluar hospital nanti sure ramai melawat… 🙂
hahhaa…lagi nak mlwt! sbb kalau kat sini, tak ‘berani’ melwt.. hehhe. i like tajuk “sangap” ni…hahhaa
i have a question:
Tadi i met my client, dia tgh batuk2 n demam etc la. i mmg tak la pegang dia ke ape. she sat next to me for like an hr mcm tu kot. lepas dia blk i terus apply hand sanitizer. lepas dia blk she text msg me, ckp dia gi HKL and doctor suspected dia ade H1N1. soalan: i boleh terkena ke H1N1? bahaya x? what shud i do? kene quarantine mcm u ke?
Munirah Reply:
July 14th, 2009 at 9:32 pm
yup unfortunately i have to say…mmg ade possibility for u to kena gak then. but as long u takde any symptom shuld be okay. symptom kena ade high fever with others like cough / flu/ body aching.
tp dont worry, those yg kena tu, the ubat works like magic. kami makan ubat tu next day trus segar bugar. i think news and media have create unneccessary panic. its jus like any other flu. in fact degue lagi lar bahaya
ok thanx munirah… insyaAllah i dtg ur party nnt. 🙂
banyak hadiah kene prepare nieeee
[New Post] Sangap… (H1N1) – via #twitoaster http://blog.tripletsplusone.com/2009/07/…