This conversation happened in the car while syauQi was driving passed another vehicle written on it “Uncle Ali”
Him: You, Uncle Ali!!!
Me: huh? who??
Him: Tuu, uncle Ali, could it be the same guy?
(drove the car faster to chase after Uncle Ali so he could get a closer look of the driver)
Him: Ha’ah, uncle Ali, tp dah gemuk!
Me: &(@)#$@&$ (read: blank)
So this was the story on Uncle Ali, happened bout 18 years ago (syauQi was 9 year old then)
He was walking in his neighbourhood when he came across pakcik jual goreng pisang. He just couldnt resist the nice smell of the banana fritters and decided to get 3 of it since he had 60 cents at that time. Dulu die kate satu pisang 20sen besar giler..bukan cam skrang yg dh kerat kecik2 tu. Confident that he has 60 cents in his pocket, this small boy asked Uncle Ali, “uncle, nk goreng pisang 3”
While Uncle Ali was packing the 3 goreng pisang for him, he reached his pocket for his money…but only to realised he has a hole in his pocket…the coins must have drop from his pocket. Embarassed that he had no money to pay for the goreng pisang, he quickly cancelled his order and walk away. Uncle Ali kesian tgk die…add in more goreng pisang in the paper bag, called him n gave him for free “amiq ni nak, uncle sedekah”
He then walk away with a biggest smile ever =)
Anyway, when we saw Uncle Ali’s van, he had his phone number on it. I took the number and later when we reached home syauQi gave him a call
Him: Ni uncle Ali yg jual goreng pisang ker?
Uncle: Ha…tapi dah lame dah…lebih 10thn dulu
Him: Ah, betul lah tu. Ni saya…dulu uncle ade sedekah goreng pisang kt saya
Uncle: Lar, ye ke?
Him: Dulu, saya tak cukup duit, poket saya belubang, pastu uncle kasi kate sedekah. Tu saja call tadi nmpak uncle drive van ade phone number, berkat goreng pisang uncle kot saya dah berjaya
Uncle: Dah bejaya? keja ape skrang?
Him: Pilot…
Uncle: Wooo…alhamdulillah
Him: Tima kasih lar uncle, dulu kasi saya pisang tu free
Uncle: Sama2…keep in touch yer, kita kuar minum ker
Him: Ok2, insyaAllah
Moral of the Story:
Sebabkn goreng pisang, syauQi learn the value of 60 sen. Although it may seems small ammount, but it means alot…without that small amount of money, u can’t get your goreng pisang. Thus it made him determine to be successfull in life coz even a small amount of money means a lot to him. Who knows, 60 cents could be the most valuable lesson learnt
nota kaki: dulu kat kampung, duit raya dapat 20sen…kalau umah mane yg kasi 50sen..kire rumah tu org kaya abis woo!

awwww…this is my first comment, after almost one year following ur blog.
i love this story. mcm cerite dlm tv.. hehee.. =)
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 22nd, 2009 at 4:35 pm
oh hi there, nice to hear from u =)
tu lah..mase he told me the story pun i dok imgaine budak kecik yg comot mintaq goreng pisang, muka pun sure macam antara nampak n tak nmpak jer over the counter tu…hihi
kenapa tiba-tiba i rasa nak menangis bila terbayangkan kesungguhan syauqi call pakcik tu.
harith, meh sini aunty nak masakkan lamb steak nanti dah besar bagitau aunty yg awak berjaya ikut gaya papa awak tau. sob sob..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 22nd, 2009 at 4:49 pm
psst..masak lebih skit tuk mOmmy die skali! hihi
wah. sgguh syahdu abg ni.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 22nd, 2009 at 6:33 pm
die kenang jasa org tu wooo
salam there..first time comment kat sini..
boleh buat jadi iklan raya petronas tahun depan ni 😀
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 22nd, 2009 at 6:50 pm
salam, hi there =)
oh tak tepiki lak can jadi idea tuk iklan raya..hihi
oh tak pun iklan merdeka….anak malaysia punye kejayaan kerana pisang goreng..hihi
h.a.f.i.z.a Reply:
August 24th, 2009 at 9:04 am
aah betol… leh jadi iklan petronas la. pelakon mase kecik ialah harith ler.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 24th, 2009 at 9:50 am
ha cun sgt lah tu…tp nk kena tunggu harith besar skit…sbb kejadian berlaku mase syauQi 9 tahun.
if nk modify citer pun..kena la kot budak kecik tu umur 5 thn at least…so ade lagi 3 thn sblum iklan ni kuar…hihi
mesti pakcik ali balik umah cite kat family dia pasal syauqi. Good story to share munirah….
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 22nd, 2009 at 8:43 pm
tu ah, he sound very haapy to hear from syauQi….siap ayat last suruh keep in touch, hihi
mcm boleh buat iklan raya la citer u ni hehe..alhamdulillah bile org bersedekah walaupon goreng pisang je kite mesti ingat kan!
hi kak munirah…slm kenal..
penah terbaca psl blog ni psl bday party dkt blog mummy sofia..tu yg teringin nk jenguk…
wow..marvelles hepi family!
kita link k…
sory terpanggil kak…betul ke kak? hehe
sure uncle ali rs proud giler of himself. oh, how i wish am at his place. heh…
really touching story laa.. mcm short inspirational stories ala2 chicken soup for the soul. thanks for sharing..
I bet Pakcik Ali & Mr Suami must have a ‘nice day’ hari tu.
Bagus betui Mr Suami sbb sanggup call… susah nak cari org yang camni!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 23rd, 2009 at 11:29 am
he was so excited mase nmpak the van ade hp number on it…kelam kabut took the number
masa baca nih pon i dok bygkan mcm iklan merdeka petronas..hehe
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 23rd, 2009 at 11:28 am
i tak tepiki lak, until dpt previous comment
haha..betul…mmg rasa cam iklan petronas..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 24th, 2009 at 10:39 am