Oh do you that, my kids doesnt know how to call me. They have no problem pronouncing pApa loud and clear but not mOmmy. And they have no problem calling my mom (their grandmother) pAh and sometimes even call my mom, Mama coz that’s what we others call my mom.
How unfair that is…my mom have two “names” but i have none. I always say to them…”oh u cant pronounce my “name” but whenevern u need anything, i’ll be the first person you hunt for!” and i always reason out why my kids have yet call me because other people hardly mention mommy to them. For instance, i always use the word pApa, “papa’s coming home” “pApa going to work” “go salam papa”…so they hear the word pApa frequently but not the word mommy.
Anyway, at last hArith can now call me but not mOmmy…he calls me Mimi. So what do you think…if we were to be walking in the mall and hArith yell out Mimi at me, would people think he is my son or can I pass as the big sister named Mimi? haha

my son can pronounce daddy clearly..tp mummy,jd mimi la,mama la..jeles yer saye pd suami saya..pdhal mummy yg 24/7 dgn aiman ape..hehe
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 1st, 2009 at 10:41 am
tu ah sunggu tidak aci kn!
even anak sy br 4bln..sy dh terpk gak kalo dia pronounce papa lu ke..Pah ke lu..mesti jeles punyer..sbb most of her time ngn Opah dia kan..pas ofis hr baru ngn mama dia..mlm tido..so spend time tu byk ngn opah dr mama dia.
That’s why dr lahir2..sy ske ckp ngn dia “Anak mama”…”Cayang Mama”…”cayang anak Mama”…bg dia selalu dengar word MAMA tu..hahahaha….boleh??
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 1st, 2009 at 1:43 pm
tp my kids mmg slalu with me but yet pApa and pah diorang sebut dulu, tak aci tau…hihi
kak nim,
about photoshop, try this links:
anything (kot2 tak bley) let me know k 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 1st, 2009 at 1:43 pm
nanti kak nim try =)
yup! sangat tidak aci! 😉 hihi….
ha ha comei je hArith. my almost 3 yo son, still call me ibap/ibok instead of ibu. ayah blh plak sbt btl2..
my niece maira pun call her mommy as mimi gak.. skrg dah 4 tahun lebih still mimi.. eesya pun sebok gak mimi mimi.. padahal masa pegi UK hari tu, eesya leh ajuk dak mat salleh dlm baby room yg duk panggil mommy dia.. elok jer eesya sebut “mommy”. now dah back to mimi again..hehe
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 3rd, 2009 at 12:35 pm
wah if smpai besar panggil mimi nanti org ingat tu adik instead anak…hihi
I like my children to call me Ibu..but that is the last she able to call! sometimes when what to call “ibu”, she said susu! hahhaa… papa = edi, atok=shem (shamsudin), IBU = SUSU ! heee….
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
August 4th, 2009 at 11:03 am
hihi, pastu kang u konpius, bile die sebut susu tu mmg die betul2 nk susu ke die saje2 panggil u.
tapi glamer lah atuk die…panggil shem tu!