Two red dots – TRIPLETS plus ONE

Two red dots

August 5, 2009

Ha…ni budak suka makan batu. oh wait, of coz i dont just let him eat up the stone. i would take it away from him (after i take this shot…hihi)


and some might be wondering, what happen to his face…


here’s a close up of his face…


and another close up…


wondering wat happen? well he used his face to get down the slide..well he kind off fell down from our mini climbing frame in the living room. He usually goes down the slide, superman style.. He wanted to get down the slide, but loose his balance…so his face rub against the slide on the way down..

skin die cam melecit when it happen. cam as though burnt effect, the skin drag on the surface of the slide. His skin peel off when it happen so now drying up.

Hope there wont be any scar on his face…

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  1. alahai..comel jer terletak 2 red dots ituh 🙂


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    pApa die kate mcm budak srkolag cungkil jerawat smpai luka lar pulak rupe die…hihi


  2. ouch that must’ve hurt? did he cry masa jatuh tu? uzair is so energetic like his brother and sister, seronok tengok..


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    oh nanges tu of coz lah…uZAir ni jatuh skit pun nanges lebey2..hihi


  3. ouchhh pedih la babeeee..u buat entry as if benda tu biasa jerrrrrrrr….

    eeeeee pedih laaaaaaaaaaaaa, kesian uzair…makan batu boleh baik cepat yer..hehe


  4. cutenyee lah athirah and the two boys.
    teringat zaman i kecik2 dlu…with my two brothers. mmg lerr i pun nak jd hero jgak!
    poor uzair…tp x pe..dia lelaki… hihihih tough!!


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    but somehow athirah is more “hero” than the other two…hihi


  5. mcm2 je kan kids? i love looking at ur photos semua dlm ni. Nicely captured! u pakai nikon or canon?


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    i gune nikon d90 n learn on photography kat photomama.
    they have online tutorials..


  6. hi, been reading ur blog 4quite a while.. know u frm lana =D
    btu only 2day berani nk comment since cannot thn anymore! hahahhaa..

    ur kids are so adorable!.. bout the 2dots!! i rs mcm i yg feel the pain! hehehe.. but yeah, just hope the scars goes away! 😉


    mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:

    hi hi =)
    yup i pun dok baca ur blog..come to know about u from jua n lana =)
    the two dots…the luka dah kering, hope takde scar


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