Been taking photos of others over the weekend and that reminds me i’ve been neglecting my 365 Project. It went on hold went uZAir fall sick for a week..he was clinging to me 24/7 and followed with 4 days in the hospital. And after discharge he had his post-hospitalization ngada2, still wanted me to carry him 24/7. All that causes me to lost my momentum in taking their photos daily. I’ll have to start taking photos of them tomorrow.
Here are something on my 3 lil rascals…
his vocabulary has increased. it is so much easier now to deal with him since we can understand his needs now. previously we just have to keep on guessing what is he mumbling screaming about.
he also shows great interest in books. once he bring a book to us, we’ll just have to keep on repeating it again n again. but he doesnt like story books though. he likes those books with pictures and will have to keep on repeating the name of the picture that he points. oh will have problem when it come to animal, he expect us to make the sound of every animal. So can someone help me, how does a bat sound like? or a girraffe and also iguana.
It just amazed us when he can recognize a similar object / animal on different book despite one picture being the cartoon like picture and another picture the real photo.
and oh yes, he’s gets cheekier day by day…and it makes us melt seeing his smile!
ha, trademark die..senyum kena lentuk2 kn kepala tu
my cheeky boy =)
yes, he still luvs cooking! the other day saw the kitchen for kids in ikea but it’s almost RM400, so forget about it…and he is such a strong boy! He could actually pull the chair im sitting on. So is he strong or am i light? hihi… In fact he was amazed himself to see he could actually do that..he ended up pushing and pulling the chair everywhere. so if im lazy to move about…can just get him to push or pull me around…hihi
ha, ade tak gaya cam konon2 die org tua tgh masak tuk raya sorang2 smbil termenung jauh… “bile lar anak cucu aku nk balik beraya ni…” hihi
she’s as usual everywhere. she luvs shoes sooo much. she’ll help my sister hanah to keep the shoes each time hanah gets back from work. And of coz every now and then you’ll see her walking about in adults shoes and ended up making her looking like ronald mcdonald.
Gosh, she’s really into babi barney. She was never into television until she was introduced to Barney few months back. She doesnt watch any other programme except Barney. But lately, she’s starting to watch Jojo Circus. Lucky thing we have astro mx, we’ve recorded a number of Barney. She would pass us the remote whenever she wants to wacth barney. My mom baught her a barney tshirt…she’ll want to wear it all the time except if its in the laundry.
She’s started going to school easily, without all the drama crying and all. Oh i’m so proud with both of them!
Fuh, honestly…at times i wish i do not breastfed. seriously, his testing my patience. He demands for it whenever im at his sight. It’s really causing backache especially at night. At times he pacify on it for hours, thus i ended up sleeping only on one side…gosh it really worsen my backache. Some would say i shouldnt allow him to pacify..but if i try to let it go he’ll scream until even the neighbours can hear him and that would surely wake the elder 2 up and not only i’ll end up with 3 crying babies but also 1 crying adult (yes, the mom would ended up crying too!).He wakes up quite a number of time at night. So if he wakes up only twice i would consider that as heaven! Well, he knows how to drink from the bottle…but only when he chooses to drink from it, which seldom happens.
*all photos taken while they were everywhere around the garden during the Mini Raya Potraiture i had
Mini Raya Portraiture
Click here for details

dear, u nak buat photo book 4 ur 365 project? i can recommend a graphic designer kat u,he’s my friend. or u buat kt ke…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 2nd, 2009 at 8:37 am
oh how does the photobok look like?
mummy anne Reply:
September 2nd, 2009 at 10:06 am
u boleh buat cam magazine style, year book etc.. errr,cam a book full of photos of ur children plus stories bout them sepanjang tahun. u can give ur own ideas as well. my friend ni keje kat karangkraf,blh la dpt reasonable price,x mahal cam kedai lain. u blh buat 4 ur client gak (raya potraiture).
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 2nd, 2009 at 10:31 am
thanks dear..will take a look at the website u gave
Salam Munirah,
Your kids are gorgeous. I bought a kitchen set for my son at tesco for rm 69.90, siap ada sink lagi but the colour is PINK. 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 2nd, 2009 at 8:36 am
yeah ive seen those kitchen with sink and all at cheaper rate. tapi its cam ringan sgt..knowing my kids. baru nk berdiri dpn stove tu masak…dah lagi sorang tolak tumbang kn..kang mulalah ngamuk. sorang sibuk nk masak..sorang sibuk nk push around mende tu…
harith, kalau rumah kita sebelah2 boleh ajak harith main masak2..
kami beli set kitchen 2nd hand kat car boot 4 pound je then beli lg set yg lain bg byk..
jom..ajak mummy tinggal sebelah rumah sy.. mewakili fatih mengomen..hihii
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 2nd, 2009 at 8:35 am
tu lah, i dok cari set dapur yg with stove and sink, oven and all. mmg i envy kat sane u can get good bargain kat car boot sale. if beli sane posting ke sini mahal tak? hihi
hehhe.. they do test our patience and bring out the best in us! 😉
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 2nd, 2009 at 8:33 am
fuh sgt menguji kesabaran woo. kadang tu time die melalak tu rase cam nk je biarkn die melalak, get myself dress and gi jln2 kt mall…and biarkn je die melalak kt umah tu…ahahah
hihi.. comelnya uzair dalam kuali.. 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 2nd, 2009 at 8:32 am
hihi tapi spoil lar pulak ada batang buluh pelita dlm gmbar tu menyibuk…
wow munirah, ur kids sejibik mcm my kids… twins pun giler buku, tp of course bukan buku cerita, tp buku bergambar (percaya x, diorg akan make sure bring along a book everytime pegi nursery) n selalu suruh kite cerita ttg gmbr2 tu (kalo kt nursery, cikgu diorg la yg jadik mangsa.. hahha), mmg terpaksa buat bunyi2an.. diorg luv to see animals picture too… n lg satu yg same, diorg pun suke sgt pakai kasut2 org besar just like athirah, mmg sgt menguji kesabaran sbb both of them akan sepah2kn rak kasut, n pilih2 kasut mane yg sesuai, semua kasut org besar plak tu…
yg youngest one tu pun sejibik mcm uzair, same je perangai, mlm2 gantung kt nenen lame giler, kalo lepaskan, dia punye mlalak, menguji kesabaran sungguh… sekarang ni, kalo dia terjaga time sahur, terpaksa la bwk dia ke meja mkn sekali, kalau biar dia bergayut, alamat x bersahur la ibu dia ni… huhu..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 2nd, 2009 at 8:31 am
tu lah kn, sgt menguji kesabaran…kadang tu rase cam rindu lak time2 dpt tido telentang n bleh pusing kiri kanan sesuka hati.
bab yg baca buku tu, bapak diorang mmg suke lah jadikn org lain mangsa. asal nmpak jer hArith dah pegang buku die trus kasi idea tuk gi kat sape…hahahah.
skrang athirAh die sebut susu ngan shoes same bunyi. die panggil susu shu-shu then if die nk mintaq kasut dok sebut shu shu shu berulang2 kali. ingat kn nk susu…rupenye2 nk amiq kasut tak smpai, aiyooo. bazir je susu yg dh dibancuh
nurul Reply:
September 2nd, 2009 at 8:40 am
haha… kelakar la budak nk membesar ni…. mmg penuh dgn dugaan, cabaran n rintangan nk membsarkn diorg!
eh, i teringin la nk order this Mini Raya Potraiture utk 5 of us.. tp tu la, kitorg mcm x leh nk set bile masa free n x blh nk bygkn our kids berposing sbb my twins mmg susah sgt nk bergmbr, diorg ni sgt2 x reti duduk diam… i ade ckp kt hubby, dia kate ok je sbb u punye package murah,hehe tp tu la, x leh nk janji dulu.. lagipun, x familiar ngan area umah u tu… xpernah pi area sana.. hehe…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 2nd, 2009 at 9:26 am
mmg sgt penuh dgn dugaan kn..and menguji kesabaran sgt2.
jom lah buat mini portraiture…kite biarkn anak2 u berkeliaran dgn baju raya. if baju thn ni takde lagi..bleh je pakai thn lepas punye =)
u tau mane One utama tak? i bleh kasi peta umah..if tau one utama, ha senang lah nk cari rumah i =)
ni link for u to see slot mane masih available
hi munirah… i pun breastfed Faiq for full two year… yes… i think breastfed babies mmg senang berjaga malam… as a result, backache tu mmg biasa… but i just think on on the positive side… less sleep= body slim… hahaha… boleh mcm tu….. just to keep my momentum high especially when the backache really hurts…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 2nd, 2009 at 10:19 am
tp tu lah…at times i just wish i can sleep peluk my bolster instead! oh tetiba rindu nk tido atas katil hostel uni dulu…hahah
Munirah, maybe u can try this website:
it has sub-links to other websites yg ade animal sound…ehehe..pretty interesting.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 2nd, 2009 at 10:30 am
thanks for the link, will check it out =)
laaa uzair sama la mcm ami..mulut nak bersumbat ngan nenen je hehe..betul, lotih sgt tp heppi in the same time..mmg sengal belakang sbb tidur mengiring je, kdg2 tu saje i golek2 sekejap hilang kan letih pas tu nenenkan ami balik..cuba la munirah try hehe
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 2nd, 2009 at 11:11 am
mmg takde chance nk golek sat langung =(..kang lepas kn nenen terus jerit kuat giler macam kena dera. tak pasal2 kang hArith n athirAh lak bangun…
its very tiring kan breastfeed tapi puas. how i wish i can still bf my son. insya allah will bf my 2nd child sampai 2 yrs if possible..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 3rd, 2009 at 11:48 am
oh mmg sgt penat…smpai tu kadang2 terdetik dlm hati, how i wish i no longer breastfeed him. sbb sgt memenatkn. lagi2 i tak keja…so mmg pagi petang siang mlm die dok tegantung…aiyoo