Yesterday, wanted to bring uZAir for his Kidzports class while pApa bring the elder two play at the play area. But upon reaching, found out that non of the classmate came. All parents are keeping their kids away from the crowd. Thus uZAir ended up joining the elder two. And even at the play area..there were only like 4 other kids besides my children. Wahh…they were happy to get the place all to themselves.
Oh i just realised i hardly have candid photos with the kids… yup we got the place all to ourselves =)
the kids need not wait for their turn to get on the rides. it was all theirs =)
even the ball pit were theirs =)
and oh..even the dad were letting the child in him out..hihi
then, hArith joined in the fun with pApa
After an hour plus..we made our move. And guess what happen when we reached our car……
We left our door open!!! tekejut tgk pintu tebukak. Ha…sape punye keja tu? En Suami tak tutup pintu! Quickly he checked everything…alhamdulillah smart tag and all others still ade.
Oh btw, OU mmg sgt lah kosong…no doubt it’s a weekday, tp usually they have bigger crowd than yesterday. Everyone have the awareness of avoiding public places aight
*no individual photo of athirAh coz she was everywhere. Turun naik the big slide all by herself..sedar2 dah turun
Mini Raya Portraiture for only RM70!!!

salam akak..
dah lama jd silent reader blog akak. nk mintak izin nk link lah yer…. 🙂
hari tu jumpe akak kat My Dear sale kat Puchong tu. ingat x?
semalam meneroka blog lama akak tengok balik premature Harith n Athirah, coz I’m gonna deliver my baby before term. hmmm… harap2 my baby pun akan strong mcm baby2 akak. cuma mommy nye sekarang yang terlebih takut..huhu
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 3rd, 2009 at 11:47 am
oh yup2…ingat2!!
knp lahir baby b4 term? blood pressur tinggi ker? u akan give birth at brapa gestation week?
if perlu any help dont hesitate to email me kay =)
in 1st pict. apsal Uzair pakai sock sebelah je :p
apa le dipikir tu gamaknye smpi lupa tutup pintu
ala…. cutenya…
harith lak hensem..
mana gambo mak…
takkan amik gambo jerrr ;p
ehem.. ehem… nampak si mak sipi2 jer… macam kurusss sesangat..
anak dah tiga tuh… psstt pssst aper rahsia.. =)
share2 lah yek ;p
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 3rd, 2009 at 3:36 pm
rahsia? errr i ade 3 personal trainner tuk jaga badan…their names are hArith, athirAh and uZAir…hihi
hey munirah! is kidzports any good? been meaning to send my dot somewhere, tumbletots is also in mind, but i’m not sure how good they are. what do you recommend? =D
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 3rd, 2009 at 3:39 pm
i’m hAppy with kidzports..especially the development it helps for my elder two yg born premature. bile tgk cam simpke jer the programme but for kids its something that helps their development progress. i had a fren yg compare dgn tumble tots, she said kidzports better…but i wouldnt know sbb tak penah gi tumble tots. yg i tau tumble tots 45mins session…kidzports 1 hour
nana Reply:
September 3rd, 2009 at 4:31 pm
i send my son to tumble tots since walking (9 mth).. for me tumbletots pun ok.. but same with munirah i tak leh compare coz i tak penah try kidzpots..
but tumbletots dah tukar management.. fees pun dah melambung..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 4th, 2009 at 9:48 am
kidzports punye fees if u pay monthly it will be rm160 a month tapi if bayar skaligus every 3 months (bayar ikut term) it will be RM360 (kirenye sebulan u ended up paying rm120) and if pay by lesson..pegi ikut suka hati bile nak pegi, it will be RM50 per session ( 1 hour)
bess jugak kan pergi time org takde ni hahaha..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 3rd, 2009 at 3:40 pm
tu lah mmg syiok 🙂
hi dear,
been your silent reader for quite some time .. now im 5 months preg but i didnt gain so much weight .. i have a small frame btw..just wondering if u dont mind how much did u gain for your second pregnancy? is it normal if by 4 months pregnancy, i only gained lest say 3kg?? thankss im a bit worried actually
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 3rd, 2009 at 3:43 pm
hi there,
congrats on ur pregnancy. well i think gaining 3kg shuld be ok since u r small frame. in fact during my 2nd pregnancy i didnt gain anything for the first 3 months, i actually loose 1kg! but gynae said baby’s growth were doing good. so do check with ur gynae is ur baby’s growth according to age. and in my 4th month baru lar gain 1kg. total i gain was 11kg
uishh luckily nothing happened, keta pun tak kena kidnapped.
bapaknya excited nak gi main la nih
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 3rd, 2009 at 3:44 pm
tu lah…byk sgt nk kena unload…3 kids, their bag and strollers..smpai lupe tutup pintu. lucky thing pintu tu tepi wall so x obvious sgt…
Hoh.. biasa orang lupa kunci pintu. ini lupa tutup pintu. Nasib baik takde pape hilang..
sesungguhnya, u all dah macam kat rumah sendiri. best betul. takyah share mainan dgn orang hehe
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 3rd, 2009 at 3:45 pm
yup, alhamdulillah tak jadi pape…x kunci pintu tu mmg biasa dah, hihi
haahh, uzair pakai socks sebelah jerrr..ehieiheiheih cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
menarik juga kalau dpt bawa anak2 join program macam tu… cuma sblm ni we all duduk bangi.. baru je pindah shah alam… baru la nak mencari tpt2 baru..
untung rumah dekat dgn macam2 facilities kan..
no plat kete tu mmg pilot2 suka eh… 737,777,747..
kalau suami yg lupa.. mcm2 la alasan… tp kalau si isteri nye yg lupa.. maunya bisinggg..(i punya kes)
tp syukur tak ada apa2 yg hilang..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 4th, 2009 at 5:19 pm
tu lah, kadang tu kite nmpak program2 tu cam remeh jer, but it does help in their development progress =)
ha, number plate tu sume sbb nk berangan keta pun bleh terbang, so ni versi bini punye “plane” atas darat sbb tak dpt bwk atas awan cam husband, hihihi…737, 777, 747 jenis fleet.
tapi nak dpt 3 digit susah skit so tmbah 8747….8 = B (Boeing)
nasib baik stewardess tutupkan pintu flight..hehehe
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 5th, 2009 at 3:23 pm
ahhahaha =)