This was the last session of Raya Portraiture i had for the month of Ramadhan. Alisya and family had trouble searching for my house. Weather at 4 was rather perfect for photo session…but unfortunately they had trouble searching for my house, they miss the nice weather by a minute. Just as i lay the mat on the started to drizzle =(
Alisya wasn’t in good mood either. Had trouble to get her to cooparate with me. I guess, too long in the car searching for my house has disturb her mood. She was more interested with the swing and ball
Even their family photo was with the ball…hihi
Alisya then had fun with other rides…
So i get the parents to take photos wherever Alisya was most comfortable with…
Weather was really not on our side, not only it started pouring heavily, it was also dark to take photos =(
More photos of the family here…