Had a casual potraiture this morning. But the sun was up and sunny. It was rather challenging to have a photo session. One, i dont quite like photos with shadows, ye lah sbb matahari dh tepacak, so bayang2 tu takleh nk elakkan. Two, it was rather too hot for the kids.
I placed the usual mat, but it was just too hot for the kids to bersantai on it. Ended up they were busy trying out the toys and I tried taking shots of them playing around
Took out the motorbike for him to play, but a lil struggle coz of the difficulty manuevering it on the grass…
Lucky thing, his sister was helpful enough. Helped him to get the bike moving…
His sister sangat lah cantek hokay! Tak caye, ni photos of her alone…
here’s a close upย ofย her
Well, even the kids auntie pun shantek
Since it was too hot, the kids ended up playing lego at the patio
And this boy, tak terlepas daripada jadi “bunga” in my garden…hihi
it was getting abit too hot, nk amiq family photo pun tak sempat sbb Shahir dah merajuk… ni muka die merajuk, hihi
Ended up photo without him…
One thing nice bout taking photos, we ended making more friends along the way. I invited them in sbb panas sesangat, while the kids busy occupying themselves with the toys, the adults pulak busy talking, hihi
More photos of them here
Thanks again for having TRIPLETS plus ONE to capture moments of ur family =)

sukaaa sangat.. x pe, walaupun panas dan my kids dah tak tentu arah nak pilih toys.. tp suka sangat pic2 ni.. yela, 1st time.. mcm nnt confirm kena ambil next session je. hihi
nnt i tinggal komen lagi … mata dah kuyu ni
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 12th, 2009 at 6:32 pm
haaa.jom2 another session, kali ni one complete family with the father skali
wah.. sangat cantik la! ๐
erm.. munirah, fotografer opis saya kata, kan, kalau nak tangkap gambar kalau bulah dalam kul 10 pagi gitu… dah ada sun, tapi not so bright.. ye ke..?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 12th, 2009 at 6:31 pm
yup, if matahari dah terik and tepacak kt atas kepala..kang gmbar ade shadow and all. so better time matahari dh ade (so tak malap) tapi not too hot smpai ade shadow
wah hana and kids had PS dgn munira rupanyer…lama betul rasa xjumpa hana tgk rambut syahir pon dh makin pnjg. hasya plak dh makin cun la ๐ munira u’ve done a great job! superb pics dear…bule la i nak pro cam u ni..ekekeke
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 12th, 2009 at 6:30 pm
oh u all kenal each other rupenye. kay, practice byk2….sure u pun bleh amiq gmbar shantek ๐
eh.. kay pun ada kat sini.. ๐ 1st time la kay .. syok juga walaupun sgtla haus..haa.. ni dah tgk gambar hasya dan syahir.. lepas ni tunggu gambar danish pula dgn mommy daddy nye:)
munirah, i dah suruh my mom dan sisters yg lain tgk. dorang semua tergelak dan sukaa jugak.. almaklum la mula2 dorang pelik apehal la kakak dorang ni beriye sgt nak ke ttdi. x pernah2 drive sendiri ke sana. dan x pernah pulak sibuk2 nak PS kan.. hihi
dorang semua cakap gambar2 cantik. mana le we all reti nak komen pasal shadow ke apa ke.. sbb tgk pun shantekk je gambar2 tu.
nnt nak kena pujuk my husband bergambar juga.. dan masa tu harap cuaca pun ok. kalau smlm pakai jubah ke baju kurung mau banjir air peluh. dalm kereta dah stand-by baju2 extra tak terpakai pun.
smlm mmg panas betul. kering tekak.. tp nampak munirah energetic betul. maaf atas mana2 yg kurang. jumpa lagi! raya tinggal seminggu je.. jemput datang
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
September 12th, 2009 at 6:30 pm
glad that ur family likes the picture…hihi, konpius ek diorang knp pagi2 u beria nk ke ttdi. tapi tu lah mmg panas terik…ur anak nk posing2 pun tak larat. and yes, mmg mencabar tul puasa on tat day…tekak kering tak terkate..hihi
pasni ajak husband u skali, try cari time mase my husband pun around ๐
nway. nice knowing you! insyaAllah kami beraya ke sana..=)