Spend my Saturday morning taking photos in a nice cozy park. But this time around not the usual family or kids portraiture but photos of kids wearing bright colourful line of clothing from www.okinokiyo.com! The skirts are gorgeous. my gal was supposed to be one of the model but she was in the mood of being in her own world. The other two models were daughter of the okinokiyo owner and another gal Zara.
Photo session was held in the green to allow the colurful clothing be the centre of attention. Have a look at these beautiful gals wearing the new line of clothing =)
Close up of the two skirts…
doesn’t the cupcakes look yummy! =D
i can never say no to polka dots!
one of the few shots of athirAh,
Gal, flowers and polka dots…i just luv it =)
i just luv this scene ,ala ala cam dlm forest!
Kids with okinokiyo.com clothing in action….
nway, here’s the owner of okinokiyo.com
and one last group photo of the models with their moms
Maizura, how i wish i can sew for my lil’ gal. I really do adore ur talent. Well, readers, you can go either to www.okinokiyo.com or the blog.
Congratulation on ur newly launch clothing!

i rasa sedih terharu gembira pun ada bila tgk gambar-gambar ni and pics yg u choose to put up here are my favs too!
BIG thanks!!
hey..nice pict! u tahu kan my new link? rasanya kat blogroll u tu belum update…
comelnyer those skirtsss… mcm nak cepat2 ade baby girl. hehe
munirah, suka tgk gambar gambar u..cantik sangat..ni yang buat teringin nak join photomama tu…i ada slr gak tapi tak reti sangat nak pakai..main belasah ajer…….
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 12th, 2009 at 1:49 pm
larr rugi tu dah ade dslr tap tak make full use of it. jom lah join photomama…i learn everything from there. if nk join membership photomama gune referal u’ll get cheaper
jannah Reply:
October 13th, 2009 at 10:23 am
munirah…meh la citer citer skit pasal potomama tu kat kita…email ehhh…cheaper tu berapa RM?? fee dier 200+++++ kan…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
October 13th, 2009 at 11:02 am
aiyak i pun tak ingat brapa fees. tp if ade referal murah skit. to get referal u masuk photomama tru the banner on my blog =)
adorable skirts and pictures!!! geram tgk zara with the colorful umbrella, and the one with the 3 girls in the lane, the forest and especially the skirts with the boots on both sides. COngrats mai.