Remember this entry on Slip Disc?
That was part of our coversation before i had to end it coz uZAir woke up and wanted feeding…and since that gal was in the middle of moving into another house, she hardly hv the chance to be online. didn’t see her on YM lately…till i got this email from her few minutes ago
i cuma nak share pasal usana ni dengan all ur blog reader ok munirah…
at first my husband dapat tau dia kena slip disc ni condition dia dah agak teruk.. dah sebulan lebih tak boleh jalan tegak.. sampai satu tahap tu kena pakai tongkat nak kemana mana.. nak g keje pun susah, kena amik MC la memanjang, sampai doktor suggest nak buat operation, bila i cerita dengan munirah pasal my husband, munirah suruh i try amik usana.. i ingat cuma macam supplement biasa jer .. so just try ajer and tak harap apa apa pun…. mula mula makan usana memang tak ada apa apa effect pun tapi macam munirah cakap mungkin sakit nyer menjadi jadi.. memang makin menjadi jadi sakit nyerr sampai fisioterapi seminggu 3 kali jadi hari hari kena pegi fisioterapi…after 2 weeks amik usana my husband masih lagi sakit kaki and jalan terdengkot dengkot.. but amazingly dia boleh berdiri tegak and tak payah guna tongkat lagi…. dia dah stop makan pain killer and boleh buat excercise sendiri kat rumah..doktor pun dah kurangkan fisioterapi dia.. sebab dia boleh excercise sendiri. now dah dekat 4 weeks dia makan usana peha dengan betis dia dah tak berdenyut denyut lagi ( fyi effect daripada slip disc my husband kena sciatica dimana otot kaki dan peha sebelah kanan dia stress and tak boleh luruskan kaki) and then now kaki pun dah boleh lurus… seriously i memang tak mengharapkan apa apa bila cuba usana ni but it works….and my husband akan teruskan amik usana ni n tgk macm mana kesannya lagi pasal doktor cakap masa untuk husband i recover mungkin mengambil masa 6 – setahun… but we will see.. insyaallah….
of coz i was happy to receive this email…so immediately i check if she’s on YM…and our conversation continues…
munirahpunye: thankss for the email
Honey : yuppp
Honey : tapi i yang patut thank u
Honey : huuhhuuhuhu
munirahpunye: thanks satu sbb gave usana a try
munirahpunye: 2 sbb even though betambah sakit, u still yakin nk continue makan
munirahpunye: 3 sbb, u encourage ur husband to give it a try
Honey : yeah..
Honey : i memang akan paksa dia
munirahpunye: tu lah cam husband i pun
Honey : u tau ke sebenarnya masa dia makan usana tu sakit kaki dia sampai asyik asyik nak marahhhhhhh ajerr, tak tau la dia marah i ke atau marah kaki dia
munirahpunye: dulu i paksa, now sbb dh nmpak beza
munirahpunye: each time if die abis nasi dulu time lunch
munirahpunye: i tak sempat habis nasi
munirahpunye: die dh mintaq “usana?”
munirahpunye: hihi
Honey Daniel: yee laa
Honey Daniel: memang memang
munirahpunye: tgh tak abis makan lagi
Honey Daniel: dia sekarang pun simpan usana tu macam simpan dia punya PSP
Honey Daniel: huuhhuhu
Honey Daniel: tak payah paksa
Honey Daniel: heheheh
Honey Daniel: dia makan sendiri
Honey Daniel: huhuhuhu
Honey Daniel: simpan usana dalam laci fav dia
Honey Daniel: tempat dia simpan gadget gadget dia
Since my husband pun ade laci / almari gadget…i know how only selected “precious” gadget jer layak masuk dlm laci / almari tu. so if smpai USANA pun dah same tahap layak masuk laci gadget…that is sure something to shout about! hihi

munirah, mana nak tahu lebih lanjut psl usana? husband saya ligamen dier rosak teruk psl sports, usana bleh bantu ker?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 13th, 2009 at 9:17 am
itu same case mcm i n husband. i dah email u dear for the details
hi munirah
terpanggil lak nk enquiry pasal usana. myself mmg maen sport masa skola.biasa la jatuh sana sini masa muda2 x start dah bersalin sume urat sakit pinggang la especially huhuhu.dah tgk website tp cam byk sgt produk.advise pls
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 13th, 2009 at 2:49 pm
oh same lar case mcm i…yg inflamation of bone ni doctor suspect sbb straneous sports dulu. will email u kay
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 13th, 2009 at 4:08 pm
i dah email u dear
farah Reply:
November 13th, 2009 at 11:23 pm
thanks 🙂
munirah… can u emel to me about usana? really want to know coz my hubby face the same problem…. ligamen lutut dah rosak ke lari.. so sgt sakit bila 2 tulang bertemu…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 13th, 2009 at 10:52 pm
oh same case cam me n hubby…the liquid kt lutut dh kurang tu the two bones where it joint berlaga…will email u dear
salam dear,
yes it is possible dear. i’ll email you kay =)
Salam,kes yg husband puan alami sama macam saya, sy dh 6 bulan disahkan ada slip disk, dah buat rawatan suntikan RF, sakit dah bekurangan tp otot betis n peha sy tetap xboleh nk luris kan (sciatica) for now sy continue mkn ubat lycia n vitamin mecabolamin, mcm tertarik nk try usana ni, can u email me detail plis,, tq very much…