Calling out for those good in web design, web hosting and wordpress. Those who can help me meddle with those 3 things above i just mentioned and have the time to sit down with me so i could explain what i have in mind to be materialize in please please come forward and raise your hand.
Will give you a token of appreciation, free portraiture perhaps?
Talking on free portraiture, thank you to those who have participated in the contest i organize, A big THANK YOU to all of you. Give me (and my husband) time to look through all your website again to select the lucky winner. I have already read your entry the moment u left comment at my blog, but of coz we have to go through again =)
InsyaAllah winner will be announced, latest by end of the week. Thanks again!

oh.. sori.. saya x reti sangat make up blog nih.. hihihi 🙂
cuba p kat it’s a homeschooling website + ada web design service.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 26th, 2009 at 7:05 am
thanks for the suggestion. visited the website already tp not like wat i want…hihi