haa ade yg teka betul. Yes, hArith was busy looking at birthday gal n boy potong cake. He was soo happy when he heard the crowd singing the bday song. Die pun beria buat blow blow gak when the crowd sang the song.
athirAh lak somehow seldom join the crowd whenever we attend bday party. She will either loiter around by herself or clings to us. this time around she choose to sit with my mother. ajak masuk dalam pun taknk panic dgr music kuat
uZAir pun sibuk buat hal sendiri…looking around the garden
however we could really see that hArith can relate birthday song with blowing the candle. He was smiling ear to ear wanting to blow the candle gak. That explain why he was on the chair. Wanting to get a better view of the cake and candle.
Pssstt…En Suami silalah get the hint yer, approve kn proposal bday party tahun depan sbb anak teruna awak yg nak 😉 hihi

yeay! i teka betull! hahaha seronoks tetiba. athirah macam my son lah tak suka bunyi kuat2 dia takut n panic haha.
uzair in his own world now eh, suka explore ye