Fuhh….i’m really full. I hardly have dinner but just now it sure was a great dinner! Seriously, i can’t recall when was the last time we go out WITHOUT the kids. Selalunye sure akn ade at least one will follow.
Earlier during the day, syauQi told me, his friends ajak makan dinner. I told him, how is that possible. So, i kind of declined the invitation. But oh boy, his friends were rather persistent. syauQi was out with his dad, and got home almost 9:30pm. by then i managed to put all three to sleep Thought it was a bit to late to join his friends but he said, the friends are waiting for us, they insists that we come. So since all 3 dah tido, i on the baby monitor for the maid to hear if anyone wakes up and off we went… Actually, i was hesitating to bring uZAir along or not. coz if he wakes up and im not around he will surely cry his lung out…but syauQi said takyah bawak. Good thing i followed his instict.
Fuuuhhh…nikmatnye. Seriously, dah lame tak makan sampai jilat jari tanpa sebarang gangguan. I could eat without the need to look left or right! It was pure heaven. That was my first time eating at the famous Fatty Crab…oh i just dont have any word to describe what a great dinner it was. Heaven. Period.
We left the house at 9:36pm and reached home at 10:48pm. All three are still nicely tucked under their comforter.
p/s: believe it or not, since i have kids…this was my first time going out dinner with friends without any excess baggage a.k.a the kid(s)
all this while hubby ade itu ego skit taknk try USANA although lutut die sakit due to frequent sports. He just started taking it this week (after consistently forcing him to do so) and he can already feel the difference when he play his sports. Those out there yg husband slalu bising kaki / lutu sakit can get them to try USANA. Im quite surprised only after few days, husband could already feel the different. So pasni senang lah skit, dah tak perlu paksa makan…sendiri sudah mau makan =)

Salam Munirah.
Ive been reading ur blog sungguh dah lama and if u noticed ur live traffic, i used to read ur blog from manchester 😀 but now im back in tmn tun :D. Anyho, nak tanye, yg USANA tuk sakit lutut tuh nama ape ek? thot of getting it for my husband.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 6th, 2009 at 7:51 am
salam aisyah,
ohh u lah from machester. and now back in tmn tun? oh tat’s near =)
regarding the supplement tu…for bones n joint shuld take Procosa (members’ price RM95) but it really depends on how bad the sakit/injury is. sbb cam my husband die amiq procosa je awal2 and can already see the difference. sbb memula die skeptical taknk try a.k.a degil…hihihi. so after tgk my kaki dah okay baru lah cam ade rase cam nk try. tu pun kena paksa. so i get him to take procosa. b4 ni die amiq yg normal supplement tuk joints yg ade kt guardian tu. after few days makan, he got back from his usual badminton game and said that mmg can feel the difference…pastu baru lar senang skit nk paksa die amiq essentials jugak.
Essentials is like multivitamin…it consists of all the needed vitamins n mineral. so basically it works hand in hand with procosa. if ur body cukup vitamins n mineral so kurang lah all those sakit here and there. cam in my case…my bengkak tulang was rather severe…i amiq satu jer dulu…the progress lambat skit. when i took both i could see rather immediate effect. cam my husband tak severe sgt so amiq procasa alone was good enuff to see immediate improvement
p/s: if nk try u may use my membership to get members price
cara u cerita betapa nikmatnya u menikmati makan malam tu pun dah buat i turut rase kenikmatan makan tanpa ganguan…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 6th, 2009 at 9:10 am
fuh mmg nikmat sgt2…tp smbil2 makan ade gak jeling kt jam takut lame sgt kuar kang budak bgn..hihi
mmg sgt heaven. dh lame sgt tak baut camtu…
tu dulu ade tgk entry u kuar dinner ngan husband u kat ape name tu, i pun tak ingat….yg ade u kate adam ingat die akn ikut tp kena tinggal…hihi. jeles wo mase baca entry tu!
Salam Munirah,
u had ur dinner at fatty crabs? kat kj ke mines? oh boy..i really craving for fatty crabs..sadly im in johore..sedehhhhhhhhhhhhh xder gambar ke??? kasik drooling2 skek heeeeeeeeee
ps: i been ur silent reader since SN post an entry bout ur kids..:D
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 7th, 2009 at 12:03 pm
hi there nikki
tat nite mmg kuar tak bawak camera…kuar bawak perut jer. first time dpt jln lenggang2.
mase nk kuar tu kabut, nk cepat takut bdk bgn…so mmg kuar bwk hp jer, coz told my mom to call me if the kids bgn…purse pun tak bwh, sbb sah2 hubby yg bayar. hihi
next time i plan nk beli tapau, so bleh lah jirat jari depan tv, takyah jeling2 tgk jam…will try to remember amiq gmbar b4 pinggan licin…hihi
ps: oh dpt link from SN, entry yg mane ek..yg my kids bukak blog die tu ek?
nikki Reply:
November 10th, 2009 at 4:32 pm
yupsie…dok depan lappy tue.. arrr im craving for fatty crabs with bread toast!!! dip2 kat yummy gravy…uhhhhhhhhh drooling okeh!!!!
wow munirah..bestnye dpt dinner out without kanak2…hehe..nak jugak!
i was a silent reader of your blog, permission to link your blog to mine! you are a supermom! very interesting life with fabulous gorgeous kids!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 8th, 2009 at 1:47 pm
hi there!
pasni takyah lar jadi silent reader je…hihi will visit ur blog too and yup of coz u could link mine.
supermom? oh im wayy far from being one…hihi