syauQi was in Osaka last week and found a good bargain on kids’ shoes. He bought one for hArith…unfortunately no size for the other 2.
It was such a good bargain that i told syauQi to look out for it again when he’s in Osaka.
Here’s the shoes and wondering if anyone interested to get hold of these sandals. Well, can’t promise that it will be exactly like this, but something similar to this..
(sorry tapak dh kotor skit since hArith dah pakai)
syauQi will be look out for these sandals, anyone interested do leave me a msg here. But we can’t promise you the colour and the specific modal ya…
Selling it for RM70!!! Ideal for the current raining season =)
Oh, will be doing an entry about hArith’s n athirAh’s school next week for those interested to know more on it…
Here’s a teaser of hArith at skool =)
Jiey^Mien, thanks for the baju…hArith choose sendiri pagi tadi..nak pakai baju tu although dah pakaikn die baju lain, he insists tukar kan =)

i nak
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 21st, 2009 at 8:30 am
size ape?
and ni tertakhluk kepada taste En Suami tau…die angkat ape yg ade / ape yg die rase cantek
size untie verde 9 ade?!?! hehehehe
athirah punye takde?!!? 😀
kalo untuk yg umur 1 year punye..ade x size??
kalo ade i nak jugak.. 🙂
*angkat tangan paling tinggi*
sama macam cikpid. saiz 3C kot. utk girl.
i pun nak gak….my Iman dah 17 months..rasa2nya size baper ye…kalu ada i nak jugak yer……yg penting bukan kaler gegirllll…heheh
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 22nd, 2009 at 2:38 pm
try lah tgkkasut skrang size ape
kalo boleh i nak size UK8 UK8.5