Just to share with parents out there. Im sure u have face situation where your kids refused to eat. Yes, automatically first thing that came to our mind is teething. Or when your son/daughter suddenly starts to drool. You might also think that he / she is drooling. But recently i learnt something new. It might not be due to teething but ulcer in his or her mouth. And when it comes to ulcer, most of us would say because it is heaty…or org tua slalu kate “haa panas dalam tu”, yes that might be the caused, but it might not be too…
A week ago, athirAh refused to eat. Then she started putting her fingers in her mouth…we didnt suspect anything until we received phone call from the school. Teacher said, there was a reported case of hand, foot and mouth disease.. So I straight away suspect that athirAh kena the same thing. Yah, she got it from her friend in kindergaten. Since it was only in her mouth, we brought her to see her paeds hoping to get some medication before it spread to her hand and leg but little did we know there isn’t any medication for prevention. It is juts like chicken pox…once kena, u just have to let everything comes out.
Alhamdulillah it didnt spread that bad. No red spots on her hand and leg but she did complain itchy. We need to rub her leg to put her to sleep…and middle of the night she will wake up…complaining “mommy…kaki…kaki”, i guess she felt itchy. After 3 days, everything cleared. She eat like normal. BUT unfortunately now uZAir have it…he whines non-stop. Refused to eat anything and when night comes, it’s like a nightmare putting him to sleep. During the day, he is every sooo grumpy. May Allah give me extra patience to tolerate his behaviour and may uZAir recover <s>soon</s> now.
**Another testi on USANA
(a friend of syauQi gave USANA a try, here’s the phone call from the fren)
“X: eh syauqi, ko kasi dadah ke ape?”
of coz lar kan syauQi tekejut. Apparently the supplement works really well for him that he himself was so shocked that it works and showed immediate effect after taking it. Prior to taking the supplements, the past 2 weeks,he had to sit on the chair to perform solat sbb susah nak bend kaki, once bend susah nak bgn. and after taking it once..dah boleh nmpak beza. no problem bend kaki.
When syauQi told me, i was quite suprise too coz it took me 6 weeks to heal my kaki but only 6 HOURS for his friend. I guess that shows that different people would react to the supplement differently, so dont give up if it takes longer for you than others. Just like the previous slip disc case…inittialy it get worsen, but alhamdulillah now doing good.
Anyway, so far i have only testi matters reagrding joints n bones. However, USANA do have supplements for others i.e diabetics, problem on period, sinus and other health problem. Do email me if u have further enqueries, munirahpunye@yahoo.com

hope uzair cepat sembuh..
by the way ,lepas baca testi u pasal usana ni…i pon nak cuba bagi untuk my abah..die sakit lutut sian tgk bile die semayang tu mcm susah sgt….hopefully berkesan.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 16th, 2009 at 11:41 am
can dear..email me =)
ALAMAK…takut laah..nanti i check aliah sbb lately dia mmg suka masuk tgn dlm mulut tp dia makan mcm biasa. we suspect sbb gigi dia sakit!
yer lah babe.
i ni dah nak jadi z0mbie dah. last week dia demam panas. 2-3 hari lepas plak dia selsema + batuk. mencabar betul la.
1.30 am last nite kitorang pi la pusing2 naik keta nak kasi dia tido.
3.30 am pulak dgn besarnya mata pusing keliling rumah dgn walker dia. sambil tgk astro ceria. sampai 6 pagi.
maka here i am. in the office.
tu blom masuk bab menjerit + merengek + nangis takde bersebab + manja terlebih + mengada + semua cukup.
tapi takkan nak marah dia lak. bersabar aje la i ni nak hadapi 2-3 malam lagi sampai dia sihat.
get well soon uzair… ermm u join photomama ekk? no wonder la ur kids ni cam familiar jek.. haha..
p/s : on usana: munirah nnt if i dah m2u u, i’ll let u know kay…
munirah, dulu my son kene FHM disease ni terus sampai i pun stress gile2…. anyway take care and speedy recovery uzair…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 16th, 2009 at 6:01 pm
oh Adam pun penah kena ek..how long it takes to recover ek? fuh mmg sgt stress okay..menangis melalak semenjang. naik bingit telinga i. nk tido malam pun kebas2 tangan i..nk tido kena peluk. stress stress
hi there, my 10 months old son pun kena haritu, for 2 straight nights takmo tido breastfeeding whatsoever. minum pun pakai cawan coz dia belum pandai nak elak the ulcer. kesian sgt. But x worry usually after 3 days he will heal tapi pediatrician soh quarantine 5 days la takut jangkit to other kids.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 18th, 2009 at 8:32 am
uZAir pun had problem nk bf…but lucky thing he didnt reject it totally.
hmm, quite surprise to know tat byk gak org lain pun ade this experience…so it is not uncommon lar ek?
hi.. my son kena HFMD last month.. mmg stress..1 whole day tak mo makan n minum susu.. but we manage to give him dactarin oral gel (orange flavor).. sekali sapu jer dlm mulut (actually tak sapu pun, i put the gel on the puting botol susu)… the next day back to normal.. pagi pagi bangun cari nasi..
but yg tgn n kaki tu mkn masa gak la.. tp alhamdullilah dah 100% ok..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 18th, 2009 at 8:29 am
oh my anak ni. mmg tak kasi letak pape ubat langsung. with athirAh we managed to give homeopathy…after 3 days baru start makan. uZAir after 4 days nmpak okay…no more drooling but still cam tak berani nak makan
hmm my son dah kena HFMD ni 2 kali. mmg sian gila sbb dia refuse nak mkn/minum apa2. sampai mama dia yg nangis2 kesian kat dia. ulcer penuh sgt, kalau kena kat kita pun tak tentu boleh thn.
body parts lain tu, sapu calamine lotion utk kurangkan gatal. membantu la jugak. lagipun adam suka sapu ubat. so dia seronok.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 18th, 2009 at 8:30 am
wuish kesiannye, smpai kena 2 kali…
i did sapu calamine on athirAh too, as for uZAir..die kena kt mulut jer, takde pulak smpai ke badan, alhamdulillah
Kembar saya pun dah pernah 2 kali kene. Masa memula tu memang panik lah, dah saya pun takde pengetahuan apa2 pasal ni, nasib baik ada pakcik saya, dia specialist kanak-kanak. Bila dah tahu tu lega sikit rasa, pastu 2nd time tu ok lah, dah tahu camane nak handle. Cepat sembuh ye Uzair, kesian mommy mesti penat…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
November 21st, 2009 at 9:53 pm
tu lah mase first time dgr tu mmg panic, tot cam severe sgt. mase dgr tu kn i was like “aik, diesease ni yg dtg from animal ker?” pas letak kt blog baru lah tau…ohhh byk jugak budak lain yg kena. and alhamdulillah tak melarat teruk sgt. tak smpai kaki tgn kena bintik2. baur kt mulut ulcer