If you notice by the side, i now have my own ads button / badge. Thanks to Farah from 5577studio.com. She has been such a darl accomodating to all my needs. Seriously, go hire her if u need any design done. Yes, anything!
And I just came to realise (after my Sis-in-law told me) that she doesnt notice ive been updating my blog sice her “follow me” was to my previous url: www.tripletsplusone.com .Now that the url serve as my main page, i moved all my previous content to www.blog.tripletsplusone.com I’ve started the new “follow me” coz im not sure how to use the old one into this new url. Hope others that been reading my blog will come to know about my new url coz i surely miss their comments 😉
Eh cam lari topic lak..back to the Ads Button. I’m opening 4 ads space for those who want to put up their badge here for a minimal charge of RM30 a month. But for the top most position it will be RM35, first come first serve basis.
If you wish to advertise your biz / blog do email me at munirahpunye@yahoo.com
*Badge shuld be the size of 125 x 125

oo..patutla i tgk kat my side bar apasal munirah ni lama nya “construction in progress”..rupanya dah tukar address..hehe.ok, dah jadi follower u again:-)