It’s School Holiday now!
Do you have any plan for your kids?
Don’t feel bad if you are not able to bring your kids for year end vacation as we will be having Holiday Programme for your adorable kids!!!
What’s the Holiday Programme all about?
A fun tailored programme for you kids, we will be having a baking session for them!
Yes, you heard me right. The kids will bake sugar cookies and design and decorate it by themselves.
[pics google]
Why baking?
Because it’s fun and it has a lot of other developmental benefit for them.
And best of all, u need not worry about getting your kitchen messy, coz it will be held at my place =)
Any early childhood educator will tell you: The benefits of play dough are enormous. Not only does it give children a chance to get creative, it’s also great for fine-motor-skills’ development (hand/finger muscles)
Yes, it helps to strengthen little fingers, hands and wrists. (this will also help them later on in holding pencil)
Foster hand and eye coordination
It helps to foster your child’s imagination…this help develop their right brain.
It helps children develop self esteem -there is no right or wrong and the child has the opportunity to gain mastery over their environment. The kids are free to do any shape they like, nobody will stop them. In fact, parents will be around to encourage them
Helps their sensory development, they will roll the dough, pat it, press it and mold it and the dough will respond to each of their actions, thus the child will learn that every his / her actions and consequences.
The child’s brain is taking shape along with the compound as the visual and tactile experiences generate new neurons and sypnases in the brain
Enhance individual focus and concentration
( via various sources of internet)
Who will be conducting the session?
Yours truly with another two join venture.
mOmmy of TRIPLETS plus ONE (Munirah Hanim):
Munirah completed her degree in Bachelor of Human Sciences, majoring in Psychology. Throughout her 4-year degree programme, she studied various areas of psychology including Child Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Cognitive Psychology.
Child Development is Munirah’s passion and it reflects in her time spent on academic research in child development as an undergraduate, her active voluntary involvement with children at HUKM, work experience with children education centre (Cosmotots iqd, I.Q. Development & Educational Foundation) and of course, with three of her own lovely children.
Munirah left the working world to concentrate on being a mother when she became pregnant with her triplets in 2006. She loves seeing her children explore and believes that children should be given the opportunity to feed their curiosity through exploration. She feels that it is important for children to engage in peer group activitieswith minimal supervision from adults.
Inspired by her own children, this dedicated child development advocate now wishes to share with other parents various beneficial activities that children can enjoy. Wouldn’t it be great to see your kids having fun while stimulating their developmental progress without them realizing it?
This active mother is also an avid photographer, not wanting to miss the great moments of her lil ones’ lives. She offers photography sessions and beautiful pictures “To Capture the Moments for Lasting Memories”. You will be sure that Munirah will be busy snapping away pictures of your lil ones while they are enjoying themselves with their fun activities. Memories for you to take home…
Our very first session will be held as follows:
Date: 6th December
Time:4pm – 6pm.
Age group: 18 months – 3 years old
Your child will get tailor made apron by Okinokiyo and light refreshment served.
Photos will be given in a spiral bound album
Seats are limited to 8 children
Don’t miss this opportunity, 2 hours of fun and messy session as you will hardly find such classes for 18month – 3 years!
All this for RM130
Email me at

Dear, this is brilliant!!!
Tingin nak bwk Ian tp my 18 months old boy is not yet 18..
Surely he doesnt knw how to enjoy this activity like any other 18 months old child does..
Oh pls, next year buat lagi ek..
By then, hopefully he’s ’18 months’ already..
*Susah gak developmental delay neh*
Like a baby trapped in a toddler body
~He still hates our baking time because of the sensory integration problem~
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 5th, 2009 at 9:47 am
i understand you…but no harm to encourage n expose him to it =)
kat mana? masukkan i next session.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 5th, 2009 at 11:15 am
kt my place. buat kat patio rumah i. nak join?
this must be fun..klu i dkt i tingin nk register for my 3yrs doter..dia mst suka! yg best tu part photography tu la..;) tak pe la since tgh cuti sekolah ni, i nk wat jgk la sesi baking ngan dia..hehehe. thnx for the idea!;)
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 5th, 2009 at 11:14 am
oh u stay kat mane?
munirah,hope u selalu buat activity ni..i nak hanta afif tapi baru nak masuk 12 month..tak sabar nak tunggu die 18 month ni.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 5th, 2009 at 12:38 pm
dear, if your 12 month old son is up for such activity..him more than happy to have hi around. yes do doubt he wont be able to do the activity whole stretch, u can take a break when he gets restless. this in fact will be good to enhance his concentration power and of coz motor skill =)
wah..this is fun dear! sure the kids enjoy with this activities.
i cant promise. will check with en hubby 1st.
if no chance this session.hope can join u in another session..
thanks for inviting us. im very admire of u munir who can take care 3 kids. .amazing!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 5th, 2009 at 3:37 pm
if ur son okay kena tinggal. u can leave him with me and u gi dating ngan En Suami. tapi gi dekat2 je lah…OU ke if anak u nangis i panggil lah u..=)
bgtau husband, dpt dating berdua sure die okay =)
nway..change of’s at 4pm
hi munirah! it’s been a while kan since i said hi here. heheh. musim hujan kat kelantan buat line internet sangat teruk. once in a while i managed to bloghop here but never made it to the comment box. huhu.
do update with nice pictures of the toddlers being messy! sayangnya naufal dah besar sangat,6 years edy. i think kalau i nak join i nak datang ambik gambar je, boleh tak? =))
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 5th, 2009 at 3:36 pm
oh u r in k’tan. banjir tak kat sane?
sounds interesting…tuk mak2 bdk n couple xde ke..kalu u leh buat..i nk join..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 5th, 2009 at 3:35 pm
jom join!
mak2 budak dtg lah dgn budak2 =)
or yg couple2 tu cari lah anak2 buah..hihi
this sounds like so much fun!! i would love to bring my girl to join…please make another session k cos we can’t join this one 😉
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 5th, 2009 at 7:18 pm
keep ur schedule free next week then. InsyaAllah we will have it again
whoaaaaaaa…. so interesting!!!! nak join jugak but my baby baru 5 months..hahahahahahahaha…. next year maybe ya?
join skali dgn afif..hehehehehe…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 5th, 2009 at 7:17 pm
insyaAllah, if thing goes well…we can have it next year too =)
help spread this around to those yg ade anak 18 months old above plz
Oh wow … a baking class for the little ones? Great!! Sayangnya I don’t have any children yg kecik gitu …
Errr … apa kata join kontes Berani Hidup Untuk Gagal. RM5 sudah pasti. Mungkin banyak $$$$ lagi menanti … Jom!
now in KL edy. i kan memang ulang-alik KL-kelantan depends on the job priority. tapi masa kat sana, area uitm tu takdelaa banjir. area dekat-dekat sungai macam kuala krai, tanah merah, rantau panjang tu naiklaa air.
hi dear,
very very interested..but your iklan too last minute. i really2 hope ada lagi in future and if the timing is perfect, we will definately sign up for my 19M old son.
looking forward to the future sessions.
Silent Reader
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 6th, 2009 at 12:12 pm
insyaAllah if time permits we will have it again next week. try to keep ur schedule free =)
and oh hi there silent reader (not anymore 😉 )
alamak..baru bkk ur blog..dh terlepas :(..ader next session x?
alamak baru baca…really interested to enroll my dotter but she-s 4-yr old. can ar?
ohh dear i really love join i mean off my daughter will like it… i hope u will have another session soon yeah coz last wknd my daughter sick + high fever i hope she will get well soon… next session do invite us again k…. 🙂
Great! I’ve been looking for this kind of activities for my 15 mths Adam.. Please have another session in 3 months time :p I am trying to convince my hubby that it’s ok for boys to bake and cook.. :p
i pun baru baca… next time war2 awal sket… short notice ni tak perasan la… till next time… jgn lupa organize lagi tau… 🙂
aiyyooooo, sudah terlepas woooo..
nanti buat lagi ekk
hey there,
when is your next session eh? yg last weekend punya i dah terlepas.. i nak enrol my 3y.o son… dia mmg suka masak memasak niehh…. =D
huwaaaa..rugi..we missed the session…..since im busy with my baking course..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 8th, 2009 at 5:07 pm
wah baking course ape u pegi?
Youuu, buat lah lagi nanti. Baby saya belum cukup umur, duduk pun separa lepas baru. hehehehe.
Looking for more activities by you and harap Adam boleh join sekaki lepas nih. =P
Kamu ni creative sangat lah!
harus kene kerap singgah ur blog nie, cadang mcm nak promote kat blog i…
bila lg u nak buat nie? awat x buat every week?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 9th, 2009 at 12:56 pm
plan nk buat alternate week..if every week takut pengsan sakit belakang nk sental tepung kt lantai tu..hihi..
will see how. if the respond is could we might have it every week
hi! will recomend my nieces n nephews to join the next one, since our grandmother’s hse is just a few house away from yours.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 18th, 2009 at 7:43 pm
oh which one is ur grandma’s house?
Hafizahr Reply:
December 19th, 2009 at 12:21 pm
86, Jln B.H 2 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 21st, 2009 at 8:00 am
oh mmg just few doors away je lah