I’ve been busy lately since kurang org nk layan my kids . Today i took sometime doing blog hopping and realised how time fly so fast. It seems just recently i went over to Tropica Medical Centre to see my dear friend gave birth. And now she’s few more days away from completing her confinement.
Fadd, i’m sure you have already gotten the hand of being a super mom aight!
*gmbar hiasan, Kazim was bout a week old

oh…mmg betul this cocoon for one week old newborn!
Kazim tanya mana aunty munirah!online pon idak..dtg umh pon idakkkk!!Ohh ya..fon I ngok tau…so kalau u call/text takda aper2 maknanya i mmg tak dpt aper2..
Where have u been?I bet u bz sbb Pn Masmah takda kann
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 4th, 2009 at 9:35 am
i ade jer semenjang ym on cume tak ngadap lappy. tak nmpak pun u online…
i jadi mam besar skrang…hahaha
nice pic… love it!!!!
I kdg2 malas nk berYM..tp ada je kt Umh!
Ohh..u bz sbb ur mom takda eh?
Nway love the pics!sukaaaaaaaaaa sgt2.
Thanks darling!