I have few entries to be put up here but ive been pretty occupied lately. Now that my mom’s surpise bday is over, i can start writting on the pending entries. I’ll start with an entry on our one night trip back to Lorong Haji Badri a.k.a hometown.Since we didn’t go back when Embah pass away coz syauQi wasn’t around, we all decided to make a trip back for the 7th day tahlil. Apart from the tahlil, the kids enjoyed playing outside. It was fun to see other cousins playing and climbing trees. hArith as usual busy exploring and helping out here and there.
hArith dok sibuk main kt semak sume
The last time we went back, we took photo with Embah here, but this time around, a photo without Embah…just athirAh taking her nap there
Having ice cream on a hot weather was simply perfect
And as usual tak sah if tak main air kan bebudak ni,
the only pic of hArith mandi, tp back view jer…
And this could probably be the last stroll for hArith on this ground…
After this, no one plans to stay at this house…i guess it will be left abandon…
tgk athirah tido rasa nikmatnyer..mmg die tertido kat situ ke?icecream yg uzair makan tuh susah nk cr kat kl..ehehe..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 28th, 2009 at 9:38 am
kami lepak kat situ…die baring2…ngantuk sgt lar kot.
yg ice cream tu mmg bile nk amiq gmbar syauQi dh cakap biar nmpak bekas ice cream tu…hihi
It’s sad to think that this house is going to be abandoned. Tapi apa boleh buat, kan. Anak cucu semua dah settle kat tempat lain. Semalam I baru terfikir pasal rumah atok kat kampung and neighbouring houses. Semua dah tak berpenghuni 🙁
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 28th, 2009 at 9:39 am
tu lah kan. tp if anyone decide to stay there..lots of repair work need to be done.
kaknem! new lense ekk? gamba shantek! =)
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 28th, 2009 at 2:03 pm
lense same ler jamma
suka gambar athirah, the one before yg taking nap tu. she’s so beautiful! kawin nanti pakai pink+biru sure sweet gile.