Remember the conversation where hArith asked for dolphin? Yes mom will go all out for her children.
hArith got to eat dolphin yesterday. Seriously!
but funny thing, hArith refused to eat it. i guess he knows dolphin are not meant to be eaten…hihi
*will update bout the baking soon…having problem with my laptop

wah..cutenya! tak sempat tgk blog u psl baking session ni.. rugi tull laa ! 🙁
mmg la…dolphin dia color greyish. mommy-nya color pink. dia x kenal…keskeskes.
macam mana muka harith masa u hulur ‘dolphin’ tu?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
December 8th, 2009 at 12:39 pm
muka “no im not suppose to eat dolphin” hahaha