In December my Embah pass away and yesterday received another sad phone call. My bibi’ called me up saying her husband “dah takde”. Paman passed away due to heart attack. It was certainly a shocking news to all of us. It was a very short phone call “hAnim, paman Sumari dah takde, bagitau bapak. kalau bapak balik tolong amiq annuar ek”. Her son is studying in Rembau , so if we all balik Pontian, to fetch the son on the way.
I feel really sorry for the family. Arwah’s eldest daughter (my cousin) is getting married in 2 weeks time! I really can’t imagine myself in such situation. While busy preparing for the wedding, her dad passed away. I’m sure it is very tough for the whole family.
Alfatihah to Paman Sumari
p/s: ye kami orang jawa. My dad is javanese. and i still feel it is such a waste i wasn’t thought the language. if not bile maid bergossip bagai on the phone kan senang bleh paham ape their conversation. if ade plan nak lari ke..ha bleh lah tau. my dad and siblings still speaks 100% javanese bile kat kampung.
Al-Fatihah to your Paman and my condolences to you and family.
Take care!!!
p/s: I pun orang jawa juga ;).
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
February 9th, 2010 at 12:34 pm
u reti ckp jawa tak?
Aini Reply:
February 10th, 2010 at 2:03 pm
Cakap tu.. boleh lah jugak sikit-sikit.. but, it does sound weird though.. my father always tease me saying that, jawa I slang american… hahahaha…
innalillah… saya simpati di atas pemergian Paman.
Saya pun org jawa.. tapi My Moyang tau la cakap jawa.. my Atuk n Mak pun x reti sangat, so saya lagi lagi la tak reti.. huhu 🙁 sayang, kan…?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
February 9th, 2010 at 12:33 pm
tu lah rase sayang jer tak reti. my dad masih ckp jawa with his siblings n relative. tp my generation…kazen2 i sume takde yg reti
Innalillah..Al-Fatihah to your Paman & Family.
I rasa org belah selatan mostly jawa benar. sayang sgt ilmu tak diturunkan kan? isk2.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
February 9th, 2010 at 12:33 pm
tu lah, its always an advantage to learn another language kan, regardless wat language
Takziah untuk ur family..pontian di mana?
saya org jawa juga 🙂 faham bahasa jawa tp tal boleh fully ckp jawa..hehe..merangkak rangkak
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
February 9th, 2010 at 12:32 pm
mase kecik paham sbb slalu balik kg…now dh besar jarang balik, paham roughly je ape org ckp
Inalillah. Al-Fatihah.
I suka orang jawa sbb semua orang jawa yang i kenal ramah2 n friendly.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
February 9th, 2010 at 6:05 pm
ha cumenye org jawa yg “maid” je spesis lain skit, kasi byk pening kepala
Inalillah.. Takziah to ur pamans family.. Al-Fatihah..
My dads side pun ada kacuk Jawa, tapi walaupun dah jauh ke bwh, kitorg masih praktikkan panggil Bibik & Paman..
tp bahasa mmg i tak pandai n tak brp paham sbb dh jauh kan..