I had a good time yesterday with Hafiy. He greeted me with such a cheerful smile on his face, looking very cheecky. I felt soo happy upon seeing his bubbly attitude. That makes the photo session easier. Yes, nothing beats the feeling of seeing a child being comfortable with me. Alhamdulillah
This time around, i need not bring any props along, Hafiy’s mom make things easier for me…she prepared everything. Hafiy’s turning two yers old next week, hence we did a lil celebration for him =)
Hafiy feeding mom and dad the birthday cake
Hafiy certainly had a great time running around
Hafiy enjoyed so much throwing the stones into the lake
Thought nak bawak Hafiy main anak sungai but it started to rain when we were about to leave for the stream…
Thanks Ros for putting up such a lovely set of picnic =)

[New Post] Hafiy’s Birthday Picnic – via @twitoaster http://blog.tripletsplusone.com/2010/03/…
i feel u la dear part yg bilik cum nursery cum everything tu…sama la kiter. huhu. me and imran really really need to buy a house this year. and i want a special room that I can call my own territory. office cum creative corner. hmm of first we need to do is to dream of it…soon it will materialize…amennn
was waiting for you to online, i got the logo already less yellow…hahah, i think quite ok kot. tomorrow la i show u
comelnya hafiy! his eyes sangat besar dan comel! 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 8th, 2010 at 3:52 pm
tu lah, yg gmbr first tu mmg the very first photo i took of him…mmg aim for close up sbb nk biar nmpak his nice round eyes
wahhh hafiy dah besar…comelll! munirah bole tak share link blog mama hafiy…i used to visit her fp tapi skang macam lost touch. she gave me her blog add once tapi dah terlupa
shantik2 gambar kat ur blog……….
lupa nk cakap, i suka gambar hafiy yg dekat pokok especially in between the two big tree tu. nice frame!
neway, apasal komen i selalu awating moderation eh? bukan mcm kalau dh selalu komen dia automatik approve? blog i cam tu.
Kat mana ni Munirah? Cantiklah tempat dia!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 17th, 2010 at 11:21 am
a park kat tmn tun