Guess what? I had a Me Time on Friday nite and the best part it was a Me Time BUT yet still with the kids in mind coz it was a dinner with PlayHouse Disney. I wanted to make an entry on this earlier but i had problem searching for words to describe my emotion then. And up till now i still can’t find a word for it. I was just too overwhelmed.
When i first received an email for the invitation, of coz i couldnt help myself but being skeptical. I mean who wouldnt if u got an invitation out of nowhere. I did ask for further clarification, thought they got my email from nuf*nang but apparently they did their own googling and research and came to know about my blog. And later i found out that few other bloggers were also invited. I was at first reluctant to attend coz that would means leaving my kids behind. It would be fine if it was during the day but it was a dinner, how is syauQi gonna put all 3 to sleep. However motherly instict told me to accept the invitation. (and also if nk harapkn dpt dinner invites from nuf*nang smpai sudah kot tak dpt sbb i notice everytime private fuction nuf*nang, balik2 muka same..they have their blogger preferance dah kot)
syauQi decided to bring all 3 to his parents’ place that nite. He left the house almost 730pm so i could get ready and wont have the problem of having to sneak out quietly from them. I was the last to arrived, it was a nice cosy ambiance. As i sat, i was served the starter. It totally felt weird eating in such ambiance, calm and peaceful. I’m so used to having a havoc meal time. I could actually chew my food slowly instead of swallowing everything in, hihi. I started taking out my fear (camera) but later decided to just enjoy the great moment and ended up not taking much photos.
But i couldnt help myself from becoming jakun the first few mins i arrived, hence the photos of decos and such, and yes decos with my name on it!
PlayHouse Disney did a presentation for us on the branding and other infos. They were promoting a whole concept where parents are encouraged to sit down with the kids and watch the programme together to encourage interaction and ofcoz indirectly it promotes healthy bonding with the children. The first question we were asked was “do u watch tv with ur kids?” and all of us gave a very cheerful “Yeesss!” and im pretty sure they (the organizer) took our words coz we responded very well to all the cues. Upon hearing the presenter explaning that the Tigger and Pooh programme have the element of thinking, we could hear parents saying “think think think”, and when it comes to Lil Enstein, we could hear “clap clap clap” and “the three simple steps”, when mentioned Special Agent Oso. The presenter even joke about having a grand prize of a trip to Disney Hong Kong, i was already smiling ear to ear, but unfortunately it was just a joke…
It was such a great nite, i treasured every minute of it till i didn’t make any extra effort of getting to know other moms / dad at the other end of the table. I was enjoying every minute of it. Yes, i always wish for a Me Time, but i would feel guilty if i were to pamper myself at a spa, i feel that would be a lil selfish to have such a great time and leave the kids behind. But this time around i didnt feel bad, because in a way i’m attending a dinner for their caused. For PlayHouse Disney, the one and only channel they watch every single day. ( we don not allow the kids to watch Cartoon Network as we find that not all the programmes are suitable)
Here were the food that i get to eat and chew slowly, i can even remember the taste up to today coz i really allow the food to n”mingle” on my tongue before i swallowed it. It wasn’t the usual chunk everything in the mouth scenario..hihi
And oh, the decorations were sooo nice, upon seeing the placement with my name on it, i asked them if i could bring it home. And i even go to the extend of asking the PlayHouse Disney representative if they don’t mind me taking theirs too since i would need 3 of it =) We were given goodie bags too. Went i reached home, syauaQi was still driving the kdis around to put them to sleep. The next day, they woke up with such a pleasant smile seeing the goodie bag. It looks as though it was a Christmas morning, where kids run to check their presents and open it while still in their pyjamas.
hArith had his breakfast using Uncle Jarieul’s table mat,
The dinner was perfect, it wasnt dragging. Every minute was well spent. By 10pm one of the blogger had to leave, thus we took a group photo and later I made my way home too. In the car, i felt sooo overwhelmed with the function. It was actually possible to have a good Me Time without feeling much guilt leaving the kids behind. Called up the husband to inform i’m on my way home, he and the kids were on the way home too by then.
Soon after I reached home, i received a “Thank You” email from Sophia of IN.Deed Communications who represent Playhouse Disney. I could not thank her enough for inviting me in which i replied :
I certainly had a good time, seryesly. i drove home with tears, happy tears of coz! i was overwhelmed with emotion. I actually able to sit down for a proper dinner. This is my first ever social function WITHOUT the kids. I am always feel reluctant to accept any invitation, coz i would have to leave my kids behind. But this time around the mother instict said i shuld go, and i didn’t feel much guilty leaving the kids behind coz i’m doing this for their caused (and other kids who watches playhouse disney of coz! ) =)
and it made me even more guilt free, coz i didnt come home empty handed but with lots of goodies for them =)
thanks for the wonderful night!
However, the wonderful feeling slowly fade away and i was back into reality (that peaceful nite is over and i’m back with my 3 lil ones) when syauQi came home with the 3 kids with a long face. My intention to share the great moment disappeared instantly. And only later i knew the reason behind the long face. He went to his parents’ place but to discovered nobody was at home, leaving him to take care all 3 by himself. His sister only came home after 9, so basically he was left to handle all three for an hour plus. I guess that must be the reason of the long face (tired face)
A really BIG THANK YOU to PlayHouse Disney, I can’t thank them enough. Not only they keep my kids occupied with their great programmes, but they also provide a great Me Time for me. One word to describe it. PERFECT
Sophia was super efficient, she emailed us the group photo the very same nite (in her thank you email).

[New Post] I Love PlayHouse Disney 😀 – via @twitoaster…
Gosh! Munirah…where were u sat? I betul2 tak kenal u! We did’nt get that chance to mingle lots. Are u the one yang bawak kamera canggih & busy snapping around? I was pretty shy nak tegur u. I just recognise Sumi, Shila, Molly & Mimi jer…
Hemmm…they should make intro session & give all of us nametag & blog url i think..
Sigh..apalah Hanz ni…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 22nd, 2010 at 6:49 pm
tu lah i pun tak notice u until i saw ur email to sophia.
next time kena ade nametag lah kan, hihi
i was the one in turqoie green-ish baju =).
Munirah, i went home after that and guess what helmi said after knowing u came : “finally munirah’s night out without the kids” hahaha. serious wey, i want to congratulate u, but of course at syauqi’s expense. So here goes a TQ shout out to SYAUQI too for giving munirah a splendid nite :’):’)
Luv Playhouse Disney too!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 22nd, 2010 at 7:07 pm
believe it or not, reading ur entry touched me emotionally again, it brings me back to that wonderful night with Playhouse Disney.
adei… being slapped in the face twice today! Hanz did an entry too. guess should’ve at least open the email… but twas in spam folder haha. getting lotsa spam emails from UM (urgh not even relevant to my Masters/ faculty of medicine plak tuh *mangkoks*
ish ish. nana blk pkul 8 tau.
nana smp abg tgh baring2. hahaha
pastu mkn spagti ngn uzair 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 24th, 2010 at 8:59 am
ha tu lah bezanye bile lelaki kena jaga anak, jaga kejap pun dh tarik muka tau…hihi
Bestnya dapat invitation for this!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 24th, 2010 at 8:58 am
tu lah, glad i accept the invitation
wow! What a great nite, glad to read that you enjoyed the splendid dinner..u deserve it dear despite of long face. :=)
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 25th, 2010 at 10:04 am
undeniable, it was a great nite
wow! macam best..deco tu simply superb la munirah…kalau i pun sure terpegun! 🙂
and u take good pics as usual 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 25th, 2010 at 10:04 am
tu lah i pun dok mengahayati every min of the dinner, looking at the deco and all. memula tu beria nk amiq gmbar pastu i was like “lets just njoy this ambiance, takyah nk sibuk2 amiq gmbar2” hihi
and then terus cam teruja piki nk deco bday anak, haha
ruginye i tak pegi..! i didnt know u went, i wasnt feeling well that nite, kereta pun meragam.. n i tot blk rumah la, cos sgt penat.. n no one replied to my post asking about phdc event tu so i assume no one i know is going..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 26th, 2010 at 12:16 am
ops tak notice the post u asked sape pegi. i saw ur name though, so i was kind of expecting to see u actually
ala.. sayangnye.. i xdpt join, my parents datang hari tu… isk3x
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 26th, 2010 at 12:15 am
oh takpe, parents dtg sure lagi best tu =)