Yes, when i first decided to breastfeed uZAir, i intend to do it up till he turns 2 years old but he has 4 more months before his 2nd birthday, so why am i weaning him off?
There are number of reasons that make me decide to wean him off.
1. He is being super whiny n clingy, both me and husband think we should put a stop to it. And there’s a saying that, weaning a child off is a mark to being independent. It is time for uZAir to be independent. This is basically the major factor. He bf almost every hour during the day! It is more of pacify than drinking actually. Some might say, “maybe milk is not enuff, die tak puas”…i dont think my milk supply is the issue coz he weighs heavier than average. He’s weight is out of the curve.
2. Since i’m a stay-at-home-mom, i never get time-off. I believe it is time to do justice to my body system. I’m been sleep deprived for the pass 20months, oh in fact more, coz before the birth of uZAir, i already had my sleepless night waking up for both hArith and athirAh. Nowadays i wake up minimum of 5 times and it can go as much as 12 – 13 times a night. Yes, i hardly get a complete one hour of sleep. As much as i wanted the best milk for uZAir, i would like to give my body the sufficient rest needed before everything get haywire with my body system.
3. And he has started showing interest in school. In order to attend school, we would need to wean off first aight.
4. And not till i wean him off, i can never move around for more than 3 hours or so. I will always need to bring him along wherever i go, or else he will be crying or shall i say screaming away. So the longest i can leave the hse without him is about 2 hours or so. And haven’t i mention that he has super strong lung, he can scream for complete 2 hours, wihout any sign of stopping and the volume remain at the upmost throughout the 2 hours!
However, i have been hesitating to wean him off coz i wasnt ready to go through the ordeal. There are times i would just say it to myself, to just go on with all the hectic of bf rather than creating another hectic issue of weaning off. Somehow, somewhere last week, on the 9th Mac, i woke up with a feeling (nawaitu) “lets do it”..i asked my maid to pluck some daun hempedu bumi at the back which taste very pahit and rub it at my b**by. Each time he wanted to bf he will say “uweks / yucks / bluek” but he continue bf, i continued rubbing the leave but soon he became immune to the taste, he bf like usual. I started rubbing other things, coffee, asam jauh, minyak gamat (!), Vaseline…but none of it stop him from bf. Yes, he is surely a boy with great perseverance.
On Sunday, 14th Mac i decided to call it a stop. I didn’t put anything on my breast..i just refrain him from bf. Told him “finish”..i played the ignore game. I completely ignored his whining. He cried the whole morning till noon. I relly owe an apology to all my neighbours, giving them such a noisy Sunday morning. After hours of crying, he grasp the fact no more bf for him.
To be continued…
meanwhile, here’s a picture of the three siblings going to school, just arrived..auntie Aishah opening the gate for them

[New Post] Weaning of uZAir: Part 1 – via @twitoaster…
sian nye uzair..u rasa sedih tak dah cerai susu??
btw, besarnye beg bebudak tu..hehe..comel je gi skool..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 17th, 2010 at 11:52 am
so far takde lagi sedih..rase cam kagum die dh big boy…hihi
bag tu, pApa diorang belikn, pApa kate biar besar…gune smpai darjah 1..hahaha
isk munirah that must be hard for u. i yg wean off awal ni pun mmg tak tahan tak tidor malam so i can totally imagine the clinginess. I guess it is about time. Uzair pun dah gi skolah ye? comelnye budak2 pakai bag. haiQal langsung rimas.. bazir je beli beg
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 17th, 2010 at 12:29 pm
tu lah, being home all the time, makes the clinginess worst, tu lah its time to wean him off.
about the bag…mase beli tu kena buat kcoh giler “wahhhh look pApa buy bags, canteknyeee!!!!” u know those kind of kecoh, baru lah teruja nak pakai, haha
hmm..reason yg munirah bg tu mmg betul pun..saya pun nak try cerai susu amie..selagi dia menyusu badan dah mcm kemba siam ngan ibu, xleh tinggal langsung..kdg2 bukan nak minum susu pun, sesaja je nak sumbat dalam mulut..ibu yg xleh nak buat kerja ape time nak cerai susu mula saya sedih la apelah..xkuat semangat..pastu bg gak amie menyusu badan hihi..share ye story munirah on weaning off uzair..bleh la try nnt..
mcm kesian pulak kt uzair masa nak cerai susu. maybe sbb u fully hwife tu yg dia clingy sgt… tp x pe la.. uzair pun da besar tu. ermmm tapi u bagi minum susu botol tak
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 17th, 2010 at 7:51 pm
i continue kasi susu formula, but im trying not to give in bottle sbb kang satu hal lak nk wean off bottle. so i dok kasi dlm sippy cup or those bottle with straw
i pun tgh pk utk wean syira…tp so far xberjaya lagi… xtahan sbb kesian huhu… dah bgtau kat dia perut ibu sakit, ade baby…syira xyah nenen yer…dia jawab OK…pastu mintak nenen…apekahh???bkan nk nyusu sgtpun tp nk melekat jer…mcm lana ckp, kembar siam…tp i cakap jd ‘ekor’ hehe…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 17th, 2010 at 7:50 pm
tu lah if ckp mmg diorang tak grasp sgt, diorang meng-iye-kan tp ended up mintaq gak. so i did the hati kering method, biar die nangis, i just ignore his crying but i make sure my presence around him is there. so in a way nk biar die tau, not that i dont want him..but i just dont want him to drink. sbb if buat cara cam avoiding from him, he will feel cam i taknk kt die.
haaa sangat comel la diorang, they look like big kids already!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 17th, 2010 at 7:17 pm
tu lah, i pun rase cam “owhh, dh besar my kids..”
Munirah, oh tak sabar nak tunggu part 2 nih..
Me ada another month nak complete 2yrs, tp belum intend nak wean off, maybe since i keje kan, jadi takdelah rasa dia clingy sangat, tambah pula dia boleh minum thru bottle. Last time i went for outstation 4 days, ok je dia, mujur bila balik, dia tak reject bf..
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 17th, 2010 at 7:17 pm
will try to get the part two done =)
hahaha letak macam2…pandai je die lap yer.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 17th, 2010 at 7:16 pm
die tak lap, die bantai isap je even though tak sedap, tu smbil isap kate uwek, yikes..
it must be hard for u kan dear, to finally say its time to end it..
i salute u!
good points..
yeaa its tiring when our kids r clingy to us.. its not that we dont love them or dont want to be around them.. ofcos we want to kan? but not like sticking like glue.. when they can be independent n explore on their own..
ooh how cute the 3 with the begs back from school.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 17th, 2010 at 7:15 pm
tu lah sbb im all the time at home, so i really dont get a time-off, imagine having a 24/7 clingy child, sgt tiring
hehe mesti dia dah dpt khasiat hempedu bumi tu! dont feel bad, you had done your best in providing the best for your kids.
awalnya dia gi school.. elok la pulak dia tak nangis.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 18th, 2010 at 8:40 pm
die mmg skit pun tak heran ngan hempudu bumi yg pahit teramat tu, tgn i yg dh basuh pun masih lagi rase pahit bile makan nasi gune tangan. tp alhamdulillah now die tak mintaq, tp kena make sure i tak baring ah. asal nmpak i baring, trigger die tuk breastfeed. mmg takde chance ah nk baring langsung
i think u deserve a very long and good holiday la. ajaklah hubby jln2 budak2 pun cuti sekolah kan
g la cuti2 oversea ke 
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
March 18th, 2010 at 8:35 pm
ha bab holiday tu, sah sah lah mmg i setuju sgt2 kan!! En Suami sila lah setuju jugak
tp if suggest overseas confirm lah terus en suami kate NO (with capital N and O)