I woke up this morning feeling so much rejuvanated, i actually slept through out the nite! After 5 days, weaning off nite bf for uZAir, he actually slept through the whole nite. Amazing!!! And the elder two slept well too. Usually middle of the nite, hArith will climb up my bed and join us. But this time around he slept on his bed till morning. athirAh slept well too. It was simply amazing, after years of interupted sleep, i finally slept through. It surely felt wonderful.
I know this could be just one of the nights, tonite it will be back to the usual interrupted sleep. But that’s okay… at least i had one night to treassure =) But of coz, i’m hoping all my nights from now on will be the same like last nite =)
For other moms out there, the key to weaning off is Determination. Yes, Determination. I was very closee to lift my tshirt on the 2nd nite and bf uZAir coz i could hardly open my eyes then. But i told myself, there’s no turning back or else he will be really confused what happen last nite where he wasnt allow to bf. Did he do anything wrong? To avoid such confusion, i went through again all the dramas of crying on top of his lung, kept on reassuring him, it wasn’t a torture or such but he’s a big boy, no more bf. And also it need lots of hugging and kisses for reassurance, you are doing this not because u no longer love him.
Next, potty training…I’m ready for it but the maid yg tarik muka bile i said i wanna start potty training. She knows, there will be lots of incident tekencing rata2…haha. But the father pun cam tak bising lagi that we need to cut down expenditure of the diapers.
For the time being, mothers out day..share with me how do you potty train ur kids plz

hari pertama tu memang sakit sikit lah bila PT. i suggest u buat sorang dulu…start pada harith dulu. kalau buat serentak dgn athirah memang tak terkejar. bila harith nampak dah ok, bila dia dah tahu nak rasa nak terkencing or dia bagitau u nak kencing, baru start dgn athirah.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 20th, 2010 at 3:03 pm
yup mmg akn start with harith je dulu. sbb die yg lagi byk becakap and athirah kn cam dlm dunia die sendiri. so mmg haru if start dgn die…haha
bravo on the weaning part! lega kan dapat tido ngn nyenyak. on the other hand, i pun rasa ready nak potty train, tapi malassssssssss bila pikir nak kena cuci kencing and such. hahaha
Anak dah tak kacau u tido malam ni, bapak diorang la yg kacau hehehe.
Eh, i heard potty training twins is like hell compared to training a singleton. Best of luck to you. And please keep all the tips and tricks handy sebab nanti I nak pinjam for my twins pulak. 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 20th, 2010 at 11:15 pm
bapak diorang kacau? cam takde space sbb kids co-sleep with me.
yup training twins potty training not that easy coz i’m trying to do one at a time, but he will ask, “why athirah wear pampers” he knows they are the same age so i cant used the phrase “hArith dh big boy” coz he will answer “athirAh big gal!?”
hi dear,
long time lurker, first time leaving my comment here :). just wanted to share that my daughter absolutely hates the potty, I’ve tried a few brands until we discovered that she prefers the toilet seat instead. Heh, much easier as I don’t need to clean any remains and whatnot. If the first few times you put them into the potty and they refuse (my daughter screamed on top of her lungs), try the toilet seat instead. Who knows, maybe they’ll like it. Anyways, good luck on THAT journey…
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 21st, 2010 at 6:21 pm
we dont actually by those potty thingy, coz i dont like the idea of cleaning it up..hihi
my kids have no problem seating on the seats, only that they can sit there for hours tp nothing comes out…
and thanks for jotting down few words here =)
phatmummy Reply:
April 22nd, 2010 at 2:23 pm
*small voice* maybe some sound can help. we usually do uuk..uuk..uuk for poo-poo and shh..shh..shh until she pees.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 22nd, 2010 at 2:31 pm
yup we tried that, they will imitate the sound but still nothing comes out… =(