After a year plus having this maid with us, she pretty much understood my style of raising the kids. Perhaps some readers have notice, i always allow them to feed the curiosity and not too discourage their interest.
Lately hArith will scream on top of his lung whenever the maid goes out to throw the rubbish. he insists on following. So after few days of screaming n yelling nak ikut, the maid allowed him to follow. and soon after, he insist of carrying the big black plastic sampah. Of coz it is rather heavy for him and the maid wouldnt allow him to do so coz he end up dragging it, kang tekoyak plastic bocor lagi haru. so maid was being firm he can only follow. And after couple of days insisting on carrying the rubbish, the maid cateer to his need. A small plastic bag of rubbish for him to carry each time he follows the maid out to throw the rubbish.
Even gave me a smile when i asked him to stop for a shot
He insists of throwing the plastic bag all by himself
yes, uZAir pun interested to follow, y lar my boys yg rajin not my gal? hmm…
and yes, hArith is more comfortable barefooted…

[New Post] House chore – via @twitoaster…
hehe Athirah has her brothers to do all the chores. Smart girl hahahaha
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 25th, 2010 at 10:12 pm
hahaha, tu ah whenever balik beli groceries, sure she remain seated dpn tv without a blink while the other 2 dok sibuk lah tesenget2 nak angkat. skit pun die tak kisah nk tlg
harith is so rajin ehehe. everytime i read this blog, mesti dia yg wat house chores. 🙂 but i’m kinda impressed on this one. usually budak2 geli wit sampah & stuff. i hv 3 lil siblings myself, they don’t want to throw rubbish. but u’re lucky to have this boy yg rajin 😀
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 25th, 2010 at 11:35 pm
tu lah im kinda surprised myself gak bile tgk die selamba berkaki ayam nk buang sampah. insists on masukkn sampah tu dlm all by himself. mmg die biasa main ptg2 tak pakai kasut tapi tak pulak budget nk buang smpah pun die relax tak pakai kasut and go really close to the tempat pembuangan smpah. i rase if kasi die masuk pun die masuk kot, hahah. i dulu if kena buang smpah sure i tendang2 dulu pintu tu takut ade cicak and wat not kuar secara mengejut when i open the door. hope this behaviour last forever 😉
kak mun, suroh je la harith dtg tlg kemas umah lama ngn mklong. hehehehhe. byk smpah nak kena buang ni. 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 26th, 2010 at 9:40 am
aritu kt umah ayah pun, hArith ikut ayah buang sampah kat luar.
umah maklong? tu kan abg dh kate, kena panggil lorry
athirah acting princess tu. lagipon dia mmg princess pon kan 😀 harith mmg rajin. saper nk cop jadi menantu, baik cepat-cepat. cop hihi.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 26th, 2010 at 9:45 am
tp princess suke kena groom…my gal ni nk letak hairclip sume mende tak kasi…
wah.. rajinnya Harith 🙂
i tunggu gambar nak keluar entry ni agak lambat die download tapi dari penceritaan u, as usual anak teruna u memang rajin sgt… harith dah besar jadi kegilaan wanita la jawabnya….
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 26th, 2010 at 1:07 pm
hmm, i letak size same cam usual knp ek still lmbat downlad.kecik je size tu
i hope ke-rajin-an hARith ni bukan lah sesuatu yg temporary je, jgn kang dh besar malas sudah..hihi
such a good n hardworking boy! 🙂 i nak cop harith boleh? ahahahha..
athirah has other interest kot.. insyaAllah nnti dia rajin gak tu..