The other day, hArith misbehaved. and on a usual scenario pApa will “pok” him. a slight pat on him
But this time around, pApa jentik him instead of the usual sligt pat a.k.a pok.
And hArith ended up looking up at syauQi and asked “pok mane?”
hahaha, kena jentik sakit..trus tanye where is the usual “pok”

[New Post] Kids… – via @twitoaster…
very VERY smart! lol!
hahahaha bole plak camtu harith ni. it’s entertaining kan bila tengok the kids behaviour, makes u love them even moreeee!!
hahahha…mesti nak marah pun tak jadik kan? kekekke
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 26th, 2010 at 9:45 am
kitorang trus tercengang..after a long pause pApa die jawab “pok dh takde, now u get jentik” hahaha