When Malaeka’s mom text me to enquire for my birthday party package, i was already jumping about. I really adore this gal, her mood is always good and you may position her in any manner yet she wont make a sound. Such a lovely gal. And besides her great character i love her mom’s attitude too, who doesn’t mind her lil’ gal explore around and get messy. As i was replying to her msg, i was already imagining Malaeka will be given nice creamy cake for her to “play”. And YES, that certainly happen.
Invitations were sent out and all were reminded to bring along swimming attire,
The theme colour suits hArith and athirAh perfectly well as hArith fav colour is green while athirAh’s is pink.
Personalised banner,
Malaeka’s mom requested not to place her photos here so i gonna have to skip the photos of cutting the cake. Here’s the beautiful luvly creamy cake btw,
and the luvly cuppies
and here’s the Birthday Gal, in her beautiful tutu made with love by her mom
As much as i guess, birthday gal will be given the green light to “play” with the cake…
Err, Elle, ni tak consider nampak muka u kan? Your gal look so cute here, i can’t stop myself from putting this up 😉
Besides great decorations made, Malaeka had pinata, also made with love by her mom
And the peak of the event, splashing time!!!
The first boy to rasmikan the pool,
Then came Malaeka, testing the water
This boy tgh pujuk father to get permission nak masuk pool,
The kids surely had a blast in the pool.
On another note, i was taking photo of this boy, and was telling myself “bila lah uZAir gonna have his hair long like this? ” hihi

[New Post] Malaeka Pool Party – via @twitoaster http://blog.tripletsplusone.com/2010/04/…
baru i perasan rambut dia ya rabbi… huru hara! dgn senget benget nya. ok petang ni pi gunting.
munirah. nice shots! feveret i kat pinata tu. mak aii muka masing2.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 11th, 2010 at 10:58 am
tu lah,time pinata tu sume muka teruja. bagus lak tu, dgr cakap suruh diri jauh2.
takpe dear, mata die yg bolat bersinar tu akan distract org dr tgk rambut die. looks okay to me =)
thanks again for trusting TRIPLETS plus ONE to Capture Moments for Lasting Memories
Such a talented photographer!! Awesome!!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 11th, 2010 at 2:42 pm
Thanks 😉
nice shots! nampak meriah betul the party ya
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 11th, 2010 at 2:43 pm
tu lah syiok bebudak terjun pool
and thanks for the compliment =)
malaeka is photogenic as ever!!!
she has all the right expression for every piccas 🙂 . boleh jadik model lah dia ni.
oh n compliments for the photographer too of course — nice shots! don’t worry…uzair nyer no-rambut is his trademark apa right now… *wink*
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 12th, 2010 at 3:01 pm
exactly, she is just superb.
cant wait to have another outdoor portraiture with her
n haha,uZAir and his unique trademark
very nice shoot…cantik sgt…i like!!
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 12th, 2010 at 2:58 pm
thanks 🙂
aikk?? apsai i nampak cam jiran i at situ? :P:P
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 13th, 2010 at 3:40 pm
mane satu ur neighbour? the venue mmg very near to ur hse pun
Lana Reply:
April 17th, 2010 at 9:43 pm
actually, they are ALL my jiran. as in the kids lah. they’re haiQal play mates kalau main petang2 kat luar 🙂 wat a small world.
hahah lana. puas i carik u. haiyoh. tu sumer mmg jiran u. ya rabbi berebut.
i ingat nak letak invitation card kat ur post box. tp ina-my-sis kata cam tak nice la kan. so i jenguk jugak petang2 kot u ada tp keta u mmg selalu tak ada! ina kata u keja shift kot so susah nak jumpa.
sampai ke hari party tu i stil teringat kat u. semua ada kecuali u. rasa cam ralat pulak. sori okk. next time i tunggu terpacak depan rumah u sampai u balik. 🙂
Lana Reply:
April 17th, 2010 at 9:42 pm
omgomg u r kak ina’s sister yg slalu park kete depan rumah tuh ke?
omg.. malaeka is so cute, adorable n photogenic.. mmg lengkap la pakej! n aah mak dia sgt sporting kan?
teringat our art class with them.. best!
ps: mommy malaeka.. u r one lucky mommy, boleh jd model dia besar nnti heee..
ur bday package brp dear?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 15th, 2010 at 9:23 am
tu lah die mmg sgt cute n adorable, with her mata bulat and pipi yg sedap tuk dicubit tu. and best of all i find her to be one easy baby
yup her mother mmg lucky, elle..sila lah beranak lagi and have more cute babies! 😉
p/s: dear for birthday parties, i have 2 option:
TRIPLETSplusONE mostly specialize in on-location portraiture but are pleased to accept photography session for birthday too. Hence we have two options for you:
Coverage of 2 hours session, package inclusive of selected photos in Spiral Bound Album and also compilation of photos in softcopy (CD) PLUS Free 30mins Portraiture Session
Coverage of 3 hours session, package inclusive of selected photos in Spiral Bound Album and also compilation of photos in softcopy (CD) PLUS Free 30 mins Portraiture Session
Portraiture Session will be held either before or after the birthday party, we shall discuss the suitable date for it 😉