Last year around, i went to Hafiz studio for our white studio family photo session. And this time around i saw him offering one to one photo session. I immediately msg him to enquire futher, he said it is a mentoring session where i design the lesson, what i wish to know and learn. This was exactly what i need, to answer to my dilemmas on photography and such.
So today, i had the session at my house. Im happy that Hafiz could cater to my needs coz with my 3 kids i cant be out of the house for whole day. Kids were well behaved and hArith was my model most of the time, the other 2 were busy with my relatives that came for visiting.
The easiest way to get hArith to be my model without the need of me running and chasing him was to allow him to take his shower outside at the patio. Here are some of my photos taken just now with the help of Hafiz
after the shower, wrap nicely in his towel
The lesson lasted from 10am till 730pm at the comfort of my house where i need not worry about the kids. Thanks to Hafiz and of coz a big thank you to En suami for his great support =)

[New Post] Personal Photography Lesson – via @twitoaster…
C U N gile!!
wah.. bagusnya… senang macam tu kan..? Mahal tak..?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 30th, 2010 at 2:19 pm
mahal ke tak tu subjective kot, coz for me i feel its worth it, very valuable lesson for me coz it is a mentoring session where i design the content myself, ape yg i nak belajar
that’s real nice !
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
April 30th, 2010 at 10:35 pm
thanks 🙂
i suka lah 2nd pic. one to one photography lesson memang berbaloi lah.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
May 1st, 2010 at 3:53 pm
haah worth it sbb i bleh tanye watever yg related dgn i. n paling bes sbb kat umah sendiri,xde lah x senang duduk dok piki nk blk umah takut umah huru hara bdk2 tu buat. but u pun vry lucky dpt gi photocamp!