My phone alarm rang this morning for Subuh, i was about to off it and notice i have a msg. Wan Munirah text me last nite (which i did not notice) saying that she already gave birth yesterday evening and wish to take up my Special Delivery:Fresh From the Oven package. I replied n inform her i’m available and will go over to bangi after i ship off the kids to school.
I reached at Annur Bangi at 9:40 and managed to capture the newborn photos. Yes, although only limited shots can be taken in the hospital but these few photos are among the most precious in a baby’s life. The very early hours/days of their life. Not that we only get to capture the baby’s photos but also the proud parents. Their fresh look after giving birth, enduring pain after long hours.
However, i was rather impressed to see Wan Munirah looked very radiant, and apparently the reason being coz they now have a baby boy after 3 gals! =D
And final photo shall be the photo of the proud parents 😀
Congratulations to Wan Munirah and family!

[New Post] Fresh from the oven – via @twitoaster…
timmysuhaimi Reply:
May 21st, 2010 at 10:55 am
@munirahpunye td i nk pg isi mnyk kt ptronas. Igt nk tgkkn cd yusuf islam u. Tp bl smpai Faiq tk bg isi mnyk kt situ. Dia suruh pg shell.
munirahpunye Reply:
May 21st, 2010 at 11:08 am
@timmysuhaimi hihi. i tgk kt petronas sini xde
Good job darling!
am so proud of you!
salam darling, thank you soooo much for the lovely pictures captured yesterday 🙂 great photos!! it was fun indeed.
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
May 22nd, 2010 at 4:37 pm
glad u love the photos dear =)
thanks for trusting TRIPLETS plus ONE to capture those precious moments for lasting memories
n happy that it was fun for you, i guess it’s something totally different than your previous 3 labour experience, i hope 😉