Again, i brought my 3 kids for a drive to help with the food distribution of Pertiwi Soup Kitchen. But this time around i brought my camera along, although i wasnt sure will i be able to take photos.
Fearing that they wont like the idea of me snapping their photos i didnt take out my camera until the last stop. I really want to take photos, to share with all of you the scenario of the homeless. Thus the very last minute, i took few shots. Sorry about the photo quality, i wanted to take photo as quick as i can without causing any unwanted situation, was really afraid it was something sensitive; taking their photos.
Anyway, these were among the very few i managed to get,
psst..notice their mattress? (read:cardboard)
For furthere info, including how to volunteer and/or donate, you may visit the official facebook page:

[New Post] Scenario of the Homeless – via @twitoaster…
oh.. kasihannya….
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
May 20th, 2010 at 8:40 am
dear, kot2 if your workplace ade funds for social event/charity..would be nice if can contribute for this soup kitchen. reently we had bank negara covering quite a number of nights punye expenses
omg kesiannye.. camne ek kalau nak hulurkan bantuan?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
May 24th, 2010 at 8:20 am
it would be really nice if u nk donate dear. i dah email you the details.
thanks a lot, really appreciate it
hi salam. im husna, khairul’s ymp friend. act been reading ur blog for quite some time, met u few times but so malu to tegur. once during the soup kitchen outing which u took these pics. just wonderin if i cld save ur pics to put up on my blog cause other pics for other ppl they dun act take the pics of the beneficiaries eating their food so does not reflect the whole scenario! i wanna try get more of my friends to get involved as volunteers. will gv credits to u 🙂 and btw u hv such beautiful kids 🙂
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
May 25th, 2010 at 8:12 am
salam, hi there husna. u r most welcome to use those photos to spread the words. i wanted to take more photos of the scene but was afraid they are not keen with it, could be sensitive to them. these few shots i took was with my brother by my side in case anything happen, he’ll hv my back…hihi
been wanting to take photos at the first stop but my kids never allow me to get down, by the last stop baru bejaya talk things up with them.
and oh next time do say hi, dont worry i dont bite, hihi