Lately, the weather have been very unpredictable. It use to be that only end of the year yg often hujan. but now it can be extremely hot early of the day and petang it star pouring. This have been the major obstacle for me to continue my Kids in Charge.
Past few days weather was kind enough. That automatically means my kids get to play outside. They sure had fun with the water…
Wah sgt lah bersantai hArith ni, and uZair giving his cheecky look,
Since it has been raining more often than not, i decided to kill my time doing cookies. i better make full use of my mixer b4 syauQi thinks it was not worth the hassle of him carrying the mixer all the way from US. It is no joke heavy to be carrying it back, sgt lah solid molid the mixer
i notice in movies, cookies n milk comes together. do ppl really drink milk after they have cookies?
the big size cookies, specially made for syauQi, hihi
anyone have great recipes to share with me?
p/s: im thinking of having a Water Play Kids Portraiture, will there be people interested to join the fun?

yes yes yes!
i want! I want! I want! But make it early june please.. My son tgh holiday kat umah atuk dia ni nun ni terengganu..
red!! i like!
hi there, tu lah sadly photomama hv to come to an end. cookies tu uzair pantang nmpak, bgn pagi if nmpak mata x bukak penuh lagi tp mulat dh kunyak cookies, hihi
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
May 17th, 2010 at 1:55 pm
hi there, tu lah sadly photomama hv to come to and end. cookies tu uzair pantang nmpak, bgn pagi if nmpak mata x bukak penuh lagi tp mulat dh kunyak cookies, hihi
Me! Me! Me! (sambil angkat tangan tinggi tinggi!!!!)
macam dah anak bujang la harith.. mcm sedap je cookies tu:-)
Ok saya angkat tangan on behalf of Adam Haris for water play portraiture itu! 😉
syauqi beli kat us.. whooo.. i pun tgh berkenan sgt nak beli mixer. pun tgh berkira2 nak beli kitchen aid atau kenwood. masa syauqi beli tu harga dlm berapa ye?
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
May 18th, 2010 at 7:11 am
tp aritu kt ikano i nmpak kenwood punye, with blender n fruit juicer attached togethe. lg bebaloi beli tu kot sbb the tedency of u using the blender n juicee mixer tu ade kan. tp the bdan not as solid molid as kitchen aid.
Yup, here in the US, people, hmm…well, my husband n his family, do anyway, dunk their cookies in the milk. They claimed it the greatest thing ever (hvent tried it mysefl) My kids r now doing the same with the cookies. macam us, dunking our biskut lutut or jacobs crackers in our kopi or tea.
BTW, I’ve started reading your blog, a few weeks ago and got hooked. I hope you dont mind, if you do I apologize.
salam perkenalan,
mOmmyofTRIPLETSplusONE Reply:
May 18th, 2010 at 7:13 am
hi there, yani
hihi..cute anology just like here in msia ppl letak biskut lutut/nacob in their kopi/milo/tea…never thought of that…hihi
and oh of coz i dont mind you getting hook to my blog, i’ll be happy infact
so u n family are residing in the US?
i pon nak join jugak la.heheheh.nak suh Umar menyibuk gak.
count sarah in for water play portraiture tu.. mummy dia yang dah terlebih excited ni….
mau! =D my dot needs more friends to socialize with! LOL
I SO WANT THAT MIXER!!! and a stainless steel hand blender, and a few cast iron pans…
wah..good choice with that mixer…kitchen aid mmg solid compared than kenwood..yg nih chef yg cakap….dulu i aim for kenwoodbut now kitchen aid in my wishlist…n merah itu menawan..
lg satu cookies tuh looks yummy…slurpppp mak yong nih..hehehehe