Been pretty occupied and no mood to update my blog lately though i have few pendings entry. I dont know where to start, can’t even think of a title for this entry.
Don’t feel like blogging due to some reason and at this point i do feel that soon my blog need a new name.
What do you think of TRIPLETSandMORE ? 😉
psst, anyone did entry on my kids’ bday? do share me the link plz 🙂

[New Post] – via #twitoaster…
farahliyana Reply:
June 20th, 2010 at 1:12 pm
are u expecting?…wah congratss…i sokong….yeay…:)
oh my 🙂
awww… are you? If you are… congrats!!
…..saya sokong gila2 punya sokong! =)
is it wat i think it is?? wowwweee… 🙂 if yes, congrats!
yup, i sokong TRIPLETSandMORE sounds good..
wink wink..
munirah!!! pregnant kaaa? congrats babe…
btol??nih mesti berjangkit amik gamba newborn byk nih..congrats in advance!hehe
n33za Reply:
June 22nd, 2010 at 10:19 am
dear..i teringat mak bidan penah ckp..kalau nk bg senang mengandung,bg newborn kencing kat kite..hahaha…teringat incident mase photography session arituh..
Heard the news!! CONGRATES!!!!!!!!
how about… triplets and more and more to come!
Mrs Imran Reply:
June 20th, 2010 at 5:24 pm
i sokong yg ni..more and more 😀
Hye munirah! Love the new blog tittle and congrats!!! :))
owh! Btw, me love to see pics on ur kids bday party! Pls.. Pls.. Blog about it.. Hehehe… Tak sabar tau nak tunggu entry party u.. I dpt tgk satu pic preview by yaya.. Itu pun dah buat i teruja dah.. Ahahaha… Can’t wait to see more!! xoxo
Miss you…
hmm..btol ni.
auwwww.. congrats…. =D
Ohh dear, i’m so happy for you. Take good care of yourself.
BIG CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats and triplets and more sound good too.
I’m waiting for your entry about ur triplets birthday party as i didn’t bring my camera that day… no picture means no entry sebab susah nak explain thru words…
congrats munirah!~
take care yach.
Congratz Dear 🙂 Take Care yeah….
p/s: terkenan syafiq kot masa ambik pic hr tue kot hehehehe….
wah tahniah in advance ni if u’re really pregnant. Ok lah uzair dah 2thn kan.
BIG CONGRATS! YOu are great mommy,the little one(ones) will be lucky:)
i dh agak dh sure tripletsplusone xkn tahan lamanyer… hahaha 🙂
more and more sound good too!
if you are what we are thinking you are…Congrats dear!!
Wahhh the weaning off really meant something eh?
Alhamdulillah, this is great news!
Congrats Munirah dear, can’t wait to for your latest addition, hope you’ll have a pleasant journey this time around just the right timing I guess with your kids weaned and all..
mun… r u preggie…. hihihi… uzair ada adik… ye ye… can watch wiggles 2gether2… hihihih
I stumbled your blog masa I was bloghopping and baca all your previous entry sampai time u gave birth to ur triplets.
And I love reading your blog now and can’t stop.
You’re expecting? Waaa….congratulations….
whoaaaa congrats!! best2 😉
sorry i bz gila tak smpat nak update. insyaAllah tonite/tmorow 😉
makin meriah rumah u munirah!tahniah!
Alhamdulillah.. actually 2nd time.. tinggal jejak kat sini.. congrates babe!!
wah congratzzz!! more to come!! weehuuu!!
Thanx for inviting us !!
wah…congrats munirah. really adore you how i wish i can be sehebat you. i jaga dua ni pun dah termengah2 tak terbuat keja2 lain. btw happy birthday to ur twins ..i miss the party.
ehem ehem…congrats
oh myyyyy …u’re expecting? semu apakat tanya the same question..hehehehe..if yes…congratssss…..n take care!!!!
ada update about the party but ciput ja gambaq…
I think that TRIPLETSplusMORE is perfect! Do share the stories here…
Oh, I did an entry on the TRIPLETSplusONE birthday. I was actually hoping u’d blog about it first.. 🙂
Anyway, feel free to read my story (and you might discover some surprises involving one cute little toilet seat I saw in your bathroom…ngeeeee)
bestnya!!! congrats!!! btw, nama tu sangat padan…
congrats! (i’ve read the other latest entry), and the new blog name is a good one (considering in future you might have more coming ke kan..)
congrats ya munirah..